Project title doesn't match preview image in Finder

I created a new project with a working title a while ago. Recently I changed the title of the project, updating the file name in Finder. However, the image preview in Finder hasn’t changed: When I click once on the file in Finder, it pulls up a preview column on the right that has the name of the project file and a icon/thumbnail that features the name of the project on it between dark purple/blue lines–this name that is in between the lines doesn’t match the actual file name that has been updated. This has happened before with other projects and I fixed it by going into the Compile feature and updating the title in the metadata tab but it’s not working now. I saw some other advice that said it only works if you make changes in the actual project and then save; I tried this and it didn’t work either. Any other methods to try?

Could you tell me which version of Scrivener you have, please, and with which version of Mac OS?

The method Mac OS uses to generate those icons has changed, so you’ll need to have the latest version of Scrivener – 3.4 – to see the correct behavior.

I’m using Scrivener 3.4 with macOS Sonoma 14.6.1

The current release of Sonoma is 14.7.2. Does upgrading help?

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I just upgraded and it worked! Thanks for the help!