Something I’ve been working on periodically for a few weeks now is a starter template for those wishing to use Scrivener as a LaTeX “front end” without MultiMarkdown. The intended goal for this template is to alleviate some of the busy work that goes into forming a .tex file, without sacrificing the purist approach of being able to write directly in LaTeX syntax. As such it contains a bunch of helper stuff that you could use piecemeal as desired. At its most basic, you could use it like not much more than a glorified text editor, but if you employed all of its features it could handle images, footnotes, lists, basic environment formatting, and of course structural outline-based construction with automatic cross-referencing capability (this can be extended to tables, figures and equations, with automatic or semi-automatic labelling).
A second goal is to be pretty vanilla: demonstrate the basic concepts of how one can establish a document class in the compile format, and thus how to make your own and input your preamble; otherwise make very few assumptions (much like stock Pandoc/MMD LaTeX output).
The main thing that I’m still puzzling out is a way to generate bibliography entries—that might be something not worth investing any time in ultimately, as surely most people have their own system set up for that. It’s also something I have very little personal familiarity with doing.
Another area I have little personal experience with is equations. At the moment there is no framework for them. Generating something basic using the framework established for figures wouldn’t be difficult, but are there any other aspects of that task that would be useful to include?
Other than that one detail (and you should remove the “Bibliography” folder from the Back Matter area), the rest of it should be pretty close to done and documented. I just used it to typeset a sample PDF (in the Research folder), so the basics all seem to be functioning.
Let me know if you have suggestions!
With Scrivener 3.0.3 available, this template is now included in the base install, under the Non-Fiction category. Thanks to everyone that helped test it and provide feedback!