Scapple and other platforms (iOS, Windows etc)

Unfortunately, as history has shown, finding a capable Developer is the hardest part of the task. Long ago L&L had someone working on the iOS Version of Scrivener with the result that Keith eventually took over the development by himself and started from Scratch. Good staff (really good staff) is hard to find theses days.

As a Mac and iOS user, and registered Scrivener, and Scapple user, I would love to see an iOS version of Scapple for my iPad. I dig using my larger 12.9 iPad with Logi keyboard for writing. Would be awesome to have Scapple on both my Mac and iPad!
I’m patient, so just take this as a positive response to potential development for the iOS platform.

Love the work you’ve done! Cheers from Yosemite N.P. CA!

I can absolutely understand your need to concentrate scarce developer resources for Scrivener. It’s a magnificent app and it made writing my second book a hundred times easier than my first one (which I pounded out in Microsoft Word, to my everlasting shame).

Nevertheless, I for one would love to see an iPadOS version of Scapple at some point. It would be a great excuse to learn Swift UI. :wink:

Jeff Kirk

The iPadOS app Mindscope probably comes closest to Scapple (and the description includes a reference to Scapple). I’ve not tried it (even the free version) as it wouldn’t allow me to open my Scapple files (Mac) on my iPad. As someone else has suggested, printing to pdf or opening with iThoughts are my current options (and iThoughts is well thought out for multi-platform use). In fact, iThoughts alone could almost replace Scapple - but, having been using it for training sessions on Zoom (where it’s simple layout is ideal on a shared screen) I’m still holding out for an iOS Scapple!


Just started using Scapple and loving quickness to get the ideas out of my head. Just wondering if there is any update as to an IOS version. It would be nice to use on my iPad when not in the country.

Many thanks

I have tried. Yes, I have really tried to love Mindscope. It’s cleverly thought out and, no doubt, fashioned with the best intentions.

But it stimulates the wrong parts of my brain, thanks to its cleverness. Half the time, I misclick and have to hunt for an idea that was hidden by mistake at a deeper level.

I really, really need Scapple’s simplicity and immediacy on iOS, for my iPhone and my iPad Pro. Really need!

Kind regards,


Just throwing my hat in the ring and saying I’d like an iOS version as Scapple is a great product.

The good news here is that Scapple for iOS is on our roadmap. It will be next year at the very earliest before it’s ready, though, as we haven’t started development on it just yet - we’ll be starting soon, after finishing the transition of some of the core macOS code to Swift (Apple’s newer development language). That Swift code will then be adapted to form the basis of cross-platform macOS/iOS code.

Oh, and thanks for the kind words about Scapple - glad you like it!

All the best,


I think it will be your most successful product

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Are there any news regarding scapple for iOS?
For me Scapple is the best mindmap app I ever used. But having it on the phone or ipad would be a huge benefit though.

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See two posts above from KB!

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Ah, my fault sorry! Thought that was much older. Thanks!

Just passing bay to let you know that I’d love Scapple for iPad.
I thought that programming for MacOS and iOS was almost identical, but I guess there are many differences.
Anyway I prefer Scapple to similar apps because it respects your freedom, I thought using alternatives but I am not comfortable with them for writing.


My most wished for app to run across Mac, Windows and iOS is Scapple. The only thing that stops me uaing Scapple continually is the lack of iPadOS support


An iOS version is in development now but it is still some way off - the end of the year at the very earliest. Ian, who joined us a couple of years ago, has spent the best part of the past year working on updating the core Scapple code from Objective-C to Swift and at the same time preparing it to be macOS/iOS cross-platform compatible. He’s currently working on pushing out a minor Mac update, after which he’ll be returning to the iOS code.

All the best,


I thought I was reading a recent post and then noticed that it’s almost 10 years ago since Keith first posted that people were asking for Scapple on iOS or Windows. Wow that’s almost 10 years of lost sales…

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I am just happy that the cross-platform code is under development…they are working on it and I am sure are aware that it is a sales opportunity for them.

So I do have one practical question about the iOS/iPadOS app in development. Since the new code base is cross-platform, will the iPadOS + Magic Keyboard (or equivalent) experience be the same as the desktop?

I use my iPad in various environments and with various interfaces (touch, keyboard/trackpad, Pencil.) Obviously an iOS Scapple will have a touch interface, but to have the desktop experience carry over when using keyboard/trackpad would be great too.


I use SimpleMind for most of my mind mapping. It’s great for what it does. It also has some features, such as the ability to use multiple central nodes and floating text panels, that mean it can emulate some of the functionality of Scapple. But when it comes to something like writing a poem, which is something I do in the same way that Ian Dury used to write lyrics by scribbling in marker pen all over a huge piece of paper, Scapple has no rival.

And while most of my mind mapping is something I tend to do on a desktop computer or a laptop, on those infrequent occasions when I feel a poem coming on (such as right now, which is what has brought me to this forum post), and now that I have finally become the happy owner of a big-screen iPad Pro, that iPad Pro is the place where I would best be able to make that poem happen.

Can you give your Scapple developer some extra Mountain Dew or something to speed things up?