Scapple Beta - New Users Please Read

Now there’s my kind of mind manager. No constraints. Just paper and my mind. I love it already and will buy it surely. Great stuff :smiley:

Keyboard navigation only works between notes that are aligned or stacked; it cannot move through arbitrary notes as there is no inherent order to them.

All the best,


this looks great! Is there any way to drop a link / add a link to a note? I store all my data in Devonthink and would love to cross-link as much as possible.

Hi again. today playing with the program i noticed that if i change some of the bubble text to bold, the bubble do not resize with the text, i don’t know if it is a bug but it looks strange that when you finish writing in a blank note the bubble resize to it but not when you change the font properties. it looks something like this

The note maintains its width - this is not a bug, but intended behaviour. You can resize the note manually by dragging the right or left edge.

All the best,

Is there a way to set a note’s style back to the default style?

Not in the current beta, but this has been added for the next one.

All the best,

Well, Keith, with so many intentional features, I may not be able to make many suggestions without betraying the concept. Anyway, this is my experience so far:

  1. I changed the background color, exported the new “map” and the PDF ended up with the original yellow background. Would that be a bug?

  2. It was definitely easy to take notes, but once the thing started to grow up, it became more difficult to manage. The fact that when I moved one note, none of their children moved with it was a little bit of a problem after a while. I guess this is intentional too, but it became non practical at some point.

  3. The fact that the box won’t adapt to the new size of the words when set on bold is kind of annoying too. I would prefer if it was automatic. You already answered this, I’m only giving my honest opinion.

  4. The place of the bubble where the line connects appears kind of random at this time. The problem appears evident with different lenghts siblings (due to the amount of words in each of them), some may have the line on the center, others on the side, depending on the extension of the words in the bubble. It looks messy. I guess that’s intentional as well.

Overall, it’s great software for taking notes for myself and bring them into Scrivener. If I want to present this to other people, I would definitely need another application. (I guess iThoughts for iPad spoiled me. It works better than other more expensive Mac software).

Thanks again. I was delighted that everything was so easy. That’s definitely great.

Touché. :open_mouth:

I’ll look at that. Obviously that’s a bug - it should retain the background colour or use no background colour at all if you ticked the option not to have a background for the exported PDF.

Of course it’s intentional - I’m not sure how I could have accidentally programmed that? I’d find it very awkward if every time you moved a note it moved all of its connected notes, especially when pretty much everything can be connected to everything else. You can use the keyboard shortcut in the Edit menu for quickly selecting connected notes, though. If you find it difficult to manage, then it’s probably not the tool for you. :slight_smile:

I changed my mind on this one after answering the other poster and playing some more. This one has been changed for the next build.

Yes, it is intentional (the word of the moment, it seems). Sort of, anyway. The arrows just point towards the centre of the notes.

Well, yes, this isn’t presentational software at all. It’s working-out-rough-ideas software.

It definitely sounds as though you should stick with iThoughts and your iPad - just as with Scrivener, Scapple won’t suit everybody, but thanks for your honest thoughts regardless!

All the best,

What a nice thought manager!

The first thing I tried with Scapple and Scrivener was of course to drag something from Scapple to Scrivener.
The second thing was to drag something the other way. But I couldn’t. :frowning:
Although I could see lots of reasons to be able to!

Will we be able to later on?


That’s a good point - I’ll look at allowing drags from Scrivener’s freeform corkboard into Scapple, thanks!

What link do I use to REPORT issues in the current beta? I am disinclined to dump a console report in an open thread. It is 12,378 lines long.

You can just email us, as usual, if you don’t want to post publicly.

I just created an account on this forum to say this…
Scapple (excuse my language) ****ing ROCKS! This is what I have been looking for for years.

You can expect some bug reports, thoughts, suggestions and such from me in the near future.

Thank you for making this!


I’ve just found Scrapple beta, and I’m in love. It’s simple and flexible and exactly what I want to muck around with for thinking ideas through. Thanks so much.

Great, thanks Jenny! (And nice to see you around these parts again.)

To piggy-back off of others, I’m so in love! This has given me so many new and fresh ideas for my manuscript I can hardly type fast enough. Thanks, and I will def be buying.


And that’s just the beginning of my second page. :slight_smile:

Wow, that looks really cool! Thanks for sharing your screenshot!

I can’t open the Inspector. When I use the keyboard shortcut or click the option in the menu, nothing happens. I expect that there will be some kind of window open like Page’s Inspector?

For what it’s worth, I’m running OS X 10.8.2. I did put the app into fullscreen mode. Can’t remember if I had attempted to open the Inspector previously or not. Tried opening the Inspector in Fullscreen mode and got bumpkis. Left fullscreen mode and still nothing when using either the keyboard shortcut or the menu. Tried closing the app and restarting. Still nothing. Tried selecting a note and then opening the Inspector. Still nothing.


Addendum: It looks like the only way to change the background (yellow) color is through the Inspector. Perhaps that option should be in some other place as well; because I can’t open the Inspector, I can’t change the background color.