I chose to give the benefit of the doubt and not consider this a bug. I am compiling my manuscript and it is arbitrarily changing files, not chapters to Century New. I have tried changing a number of options and nothing works. The closest I can come is in the file, options, editing, formating, change the font and size. The size will change but not the font. Is there a setting I am missing?
It may have something to do with Segoe UI font. I have found some documents I can select the enitre document change it to Arial and now it prints to Arial. But there are other sections where I can select the text but it will not change. I found the difference. It changes the font to 10 and I want 11, once i do that and save it reverts back to the other font. I have change the size then the font., save and now it prints. Why is this overriing my text. Until recently it defaulted to my font in the pages. Now it does not.
Also I cannot find any setting that shows that UI font as a default. Where is it can how can i get all new pages to be formated correctly without having reformat the entire document. I have uses old print formats in compile, they never used to have a problem unttil lately. My new print formats also have the same problem even when I have a different font chosen to print.
I am not even going to touch trying to print in 6x9 and haveing to uncheck the print in default, only for some of the settings to take.OH but wait it gets better. You have to enter the margins again in the button below. The first in page layout does not work.
First of all, Print is not the same as Compile. When you write print do you mean File > Compile? Or File > Print? Compiling to Print is one of the several output options of the Compiler.
Changing formatting from the formatting in the Editor is a basic feature of the Compiler. So, updating a font is most likely no bug. It will happen when a Section Layout has a different font selected than other Section Layouts. Section Layouts are Assigned to Section Types, which are created in Project Settings and applied to documents in the Binder on the left of the Main application window.
For the Compiler, a solution could be to set a specific font to rule them all at the top of the center column of the Compile Overview window.
Alternatively, update all Section Layouts to the font you prefer in the Section Layouts Pane of the Compile Overview window. Double-click the Compile Format you’re using in the left column of the Compile Overview window to open the Compile Format Designer.
it is not using my section font. it overrides any font I have in the document, scene and uses Seqoe UI. When you do not have that font on your system it defaults to courier.
In options editing formatting at the top right it says use formatting in current editor. Sometimes it uses your format, sometimes it use segoe ui font. You can change the font in the document.to Arial with no style and it will eventually switch back to segoe UI on its own. How is that not a bug? If it was not a bug you would get the your format everytime, it would not change. Sorry but I disagree with you and hope this is addressed.
You may have inadvertedly set the Segoe font at the top of the center column in the Compile Overview window. That setting will overrule all font settings in the Compiler.