Scrivener 3 Windows Release

Hey David,

To my recollection, there was no big formal announcement from L&L, just a couple of posts from L&L on different threads, including the first page of this thread. :mrgreen:


Specifically, I guess, this, from a user, based on Katherine’s note about CS closing over the holidays:

So no announcement and really no “news,” just a user’s reasonable conclusion based on looking at the calendar. Wish folks would not dress their own inferences up as “news.” But boy, THAT’S a big wish these days.

Just to clarify: we do not announce release dates as a matter of policy. There has been no official announcement of a Windows Scrivener 3 release date.


Including the original “we are going to try for 2018” – even that much of a statement got latched onto as gospel, leading now to more disappointment than necessary. Just more fodder for the official policy of no longer announcing release dates in advance.

Understood, and totally agreed with. I use the Nota Bene writing and research suite, and they are also a small shop and have learned long ago that announcing release dates is counterproductive.

As far as I’m concerned, the developers should take their time and do it right. There’s an old saying in the software business, “If you don’t have time to do it right, you probably won’t have time to do it over either.” Small businesses don’t get the luxury of saying, “OOPS! Never mind!”, the way big companies do. A major stumble can be fatal to a small business.

No, V1.9 isn’t as pretty as V3, but it is functional and still better than most of the Windows competition. Though there are a few that are VERY good! If you simply can’t use V1.9, then maybe you should consider changing to one of them.

Totally agree!

Be cautious. There are still some show-stopping bugs in there. In my case, this bug, which corrupts script formats, means I can’t even read my existing work. Like you, I’ve been hoping to get started with the beta, but this is not listed as fixed yet in the latest release (that expires in Feb).


I must admit I am frustrated with the Windows development cycle. It seems that we always hear that the Win version “will catch up” with the Mac version but it does not ever seem to.

The fact that now a Linux version will (IMHO) compete for development resources is adding a little salt to the wound that has remained open for a few years now.

What Linux version?

This is not true. Development of the Linux version was abandoned quite some time ago and there are no plans to restart it at this time. Certainly not before the release of Win Scriv 3.


Thank you for correcting me.

I was mistaken and humbly accept my error.

My apologies


For those who have not seen this news yet, Scrivener 3 is now expected in the 2nd quarter of 2019: One note that may be of particular interest on this thread is the statement “Since 2009 we’ve thrown more resources and time at development on Windows than we have macOS.”

I’ve been comparing Scrivener for Windows with Atomic Scribbler, and currently, A.S. is ahead. (Which I think, makes sense considering when each product was released). However, there is a LOT to like about Scrivener for Windows, as is.

I am waiting for V3 for Windows to appear before I make a final decision though. I am comfortable waiting. I’d rather have it right and delayed, than ‘Right Now’ and broken!

Hi StarDog2,

I just spent a minute at Atomic’s site, and see that it has nothing comparable to the compiler (only exports to Word doc), and only runs on Windows. That’s two large gaps, at least for me. I don’t see anything it has that Windows 1.9 Scrivener does not.

So, what do you mean by “ahead”? Or did I miss something?


I think A.S. is a much more pleasant writing environment. But like I said, considering the large differences in release dates, I think that is to be expected. As a Windows user, I don’t care about mac compatibility all that much, Oh, theoretically maybe I care, but I care much more about how the version I use, affects me. The compiler is one of those nice things to have, and maybe it has more significance in the Apple world, but once you get to MS Word format, there isn’t much you can’t do with that! In my eyes, the compiler is a minor thing. Planning and writing is a big thing with me. The compatibility with Scapple is in my eyes a STONG selling point for Scrivener.

I’m looking forward to Scrivener 3, as I have purchased Scrivener for Windows in late October 2018 before I found Atomic Scribbler. Don’t get me wrong, I LIKE Scrivener quite a bit and look forward to using V3. (You won’t hear me trashing it!)

But right now, A.S. meets my needs every bit as well as Scrivener, and I like the tabbed environment, and how the notes can always be on display. I also think it works on my aging near EOL Toshiba laptop a tiny bit better. Though I admit, I really like the template features of Scrivener which are missing completely from A.S.

L&L has already gotten my money, and they promised me a free upgrade to V3, so of course, I’m going to take it. I look forward to comparing the two and using the one that meets my needs best (mostly planning, and Writing issues for me).

Thanks for the feedback, StarDog.

I do like the idea of a tabbed environment, but would miss Scrivener’s split screen, and the cool planning-related things the compiler can do: create outlines, synopses, etc. Not to mention that I use iOS Scriv vs. Win Scriv about 50-50 at this time, so syncing & portability is a must.

I would say that the lack of something like Scrivenings in A.S would likely be a deal killer for some folks, but not me, as the current implementation in 1.9 doesn’t work so well for me. I do look forward to all the new features in Win v3, and hope that Scrivenings has an implementation that works for me. :slight_smile:

But every writer uses a different process and has different requirements. I hope you find tools that meet yours.


I will say I am a little frustrated with the development progress. I understand the want to produce a great product. More updates via email would be nice. Part of my frustration is not feeling like progress is being made and having to login here to see what the deal is.

All one has to do to see detailed progress is head on over to the beta forum whenever the latest beta is expiring and check out the Announcement post with the latest change list. That post tells all.

Hi, I am quite new to scrivener, still in my trial period. In general I like it. A step up from linear writing in Google docs.
I had hit some writers block a few weeks ago and decided to resurrect an unused laptop as a dedicated writing computer. The idea was to have a completely different feeling interface to my normal PC which I used for my day job as a designer.

The computer is a windows surface tablet, Win10 OS, Scrivener version
The screen is of a very high resolution. When I loaded Scrivener, the entire interface was fuzzy, I knew this was a screen resolution issue so I managed to find a way around it. For those reading this that have experienced the same issue, the work around is not perfect. Dialogues are left badly scaled and difficult to read (the cork board control panel for example)

Other there are a raft of other issue such as the keyboard shortcuts - some of which seem to simply refuse to work (I have not gone to the lengths of going and playing with keyboard shortcut settings).

So now I am wondering with about 20 days of trial left: do I or don’t I?
V3 for windows will have to address these issues and the hand full of other niggle problems I have found, or else I will feel underwhelmed and rather despondent since the Scrivener blog states that updates are not so frequent.

What I am hoping for I guess is peek at the release notes for windows v3. So I can see for myself what the improvements are.