Scrivener for iOS - What Do You Want? [PLEASE READ FIRST]

As a UX designer and writer, I’d like to see the following:

iPad Version

1. Automatically sync with the desktop version.
Never lose anything when moving between versions!
(Storing the actual files in iCloud / Dropbox might be a good solution here.)

2. Easy way to read/edit text with Binders open on the side.
This could be done like folders in Mail: in horizontal orientation the Binder can be persistent, whereas in vertical orientation the Binder slides on/off to allow for more editing space. The tricky part that I foresee is mimicking multi-select in the Binder. I would recommend against trying that, as it could easily become too clunky.

3. Easy, distraction-free full-screen edit mode.
Since I’m more likely to do editing on the iPad rather than actual heavy writing, I would focus on editing features like adding Comments, highlighting, and making minor textual changes.

4. Basic Outline view
I think we can do without custom columns, but it would be nice to be able to see the status and labels on everything, including the ability to expand and contract folders.

5. Basic Corkboard view
I think the most important thing is to be able to edit the text on these corkboards very easily and without leaving the Corkboard view.

iPhone Version

(Automatic sync definitely applies here too, but I didn’t want to repeat it.)

1. Binder View
As it’s own screen. It would be impossible to fit both the text and the Binder view on an iPhone.

2. Edit Single Scrivening
We should be able to edit the text of a single Scrivening. No need for any formatting on the iPhone version, but it should fit the format of the text before or after what you enter.

3. Create New Scrivening
The ability to create a new scrivening is very important for taking notes when inspiration hits, then we can organize them into the manuscript from the Desktop.

4. Inspect Single Scrivening
The ability to update status, label, etc of a single Scrivening would be helpful.

All Versions
A project should be shareable with an editor/collaborator and worked on by two or more people at the same time, in the same way Google Docs handle it. If that functionality existed, I would pretty much drop all other writing tools for a couple of my projects and work solely with Scrivener.

**NOTE: By far the most important issue to me is Sync that works seamlessly and doesn’t make me wonder whether I’ve lost anything in transfer. If you get that write, and only give me the ability to edit a single scrivening at a time, I will be happy. If you get that wrong - all the advanced functionality in the world wouldn’t make me trust it, and since my project is the most important thing in my life, I wouldn’t risk it by editing it from multiple devices.

For me the big win would be a live sync feature, like with google docs. I love the way I can sync to applications on the iPad using dropbox, but I always forget to export. If I could have my writing available without having to remember to sync, that would make this a huge app from my perspective.

So do I hold off buying index card for iPad for fiddling with outlines etc? :wink: given that I guess scrivener iOS will have the cork lard and the ability to do what I’d intended to do in index card…

This is the scenario. I’m writing with Scrivener on my Mac. I have to go out, so I shut down Scrivener-Mac, Dropbox syncs the file. I walk out the door with only my iPad (iPhone). While on the road I open up the file on iPad (iPhone) and do some edits. Back home, I first allow Dropbox to sync, then I open up Scrivener-Mac, and keep going. It has to be that simple.

For the current Scrivener-Mac, I watched the tutorial videos on how to sync via SimpleNote, and concluded it wasn’t so simple, so I didn’t bother.

Sync-clashes: when there are Dropbox sync clashes, e.g. simultaneously editing the Mac and iPad files, without first syncing, can there be a way of merging the two, or interactively guiding the user to decide what edits are added or even merged? No doubt the Dropbox sync will be a top-requested feature, but the issue needs to be addressed when the user does not properly sync the files before editing.

For an iPhone version, I’d be happy if it had a “crippled” subset of features, since I’d only see myself using the iPhone for idea capture when on the run - and no way would anyone use the iPhone for extensive writing. But it has to have the above seamless syncing.

I’d vote for auto sync, which is fine, as long as you remember to close your file on your Mac. :smiley:

I like a lot of the ideas posted already, and won’t waste time repeating them.

For me, I have one feature in an iPad writing app that I can’t seem to find anywhere, and would singlehandedly revolutionize my writing process. I want a draft revision mode, where I can make annotations on the fly. Imagine looking at your draft as a digital manuscript. Then, when looking over it, you want to make a note, or take out a paragraph. You simply whip out your stylus and write the note in the margin like you would with a paper draft. I can’t tell you how much money I would pay for an app that had this feature solidly and reliably built in.

Even if you guys made the revision mode into a separate app, I would fall to my knees and thank you for this.

I love the idea of seamless syncing between the two if possible… but would would be interesting is for those of us with a stylus to be able to maybe make hand written notes that could be saved as a jpg for later use or if it were capable of reading your handwritten words and turn them into typed up words rather than having to hand type everything on the iPad itself (which can be daunting without an external keyboard). Also perhaps if people want the binder that could be something that is done via the iPhone (like how Scrabble has the tile rack app that integrates with Scrabble via the iPad so they work together). I know it’ll be amazing whatever you come up with and I’ll still buy it anyway because there have been soo many times when I wished I had my book on my iPad (when I didn’t have my laptop with me and it’ll be nice to be able to have Scrivener on the go.

An application like this would be a reason for me to buy an iPad. Actually the only one.

GoodReader does this on iPad & iPhone. I have been known to print chapters to PDF just so I can edit them in GoodReader on my phone while on the tram. It also allows standard PDF annotations (strikethrough, typed notes, highlighting, lines, circles, etc).

You simply whip out your stylus and write the note in the margin like you would with a paper draft./quote]

From my perective as a writer, I’d also love this feature implemented. Put Scrivener into a ‘reader’ mode with my choice of formatting spacing etc and then allow and capture hand written notes directly on the page.

For writing, Personally I’d even be happy if these notes didn’t sync with the desktop, or we’re created as images nested beneath the content. It’s an area I’ve yet to discuss with Keith (OSX) and Lee (Windows) to see what features we can implement across platforms for the first 1.0 release.

We’re still a little way off being able to say exactly what features will be in the app but the review / edit / note taking aspects of the app will not being ignored.

iPhone version.

Don’t need full features but…

Would like to:

  1. access edit create and sync with Scrivener Mac project notes.
  2. see structure of project in a binder style collapsible expandable view with colour labels intact.
  3. would be great to have editable sync able access to binder docs and notes
  4. nice to read docs and add/edit notes and comments

Important that formatting ( ie italics etc) retained in Mac version if edited on iPhone

Thanks Keith. Very excited about foray into ios.
Good luck!!


For the iphone, I would love a way to capture ideas, snippets of dialogue, paragraphs, etc on the go, and upload them to my project (perhaps for placement in the project when I get back to my mac). In particular, if i could quickly create a card name and then record a voice snippet that I can run through dragon voice or some such, that would be great.

Well, first thanks for doing this. If there was one thing that made the iPad not a computer, it was the absence of Scrivener. You have an absolutely wonderful program.

Okay, some suggestions for the iPad (As for the iPhone, just do what you can, but it’s not nearly as important)

  1. An ability to sync files to iCloud automatically would be huge, but I hate to think the groveling in Cupertino that would entail.

  2. As in the full version, automatic saving would be nice.

  3. Since you’re creating it for iPad, will the gatekeepers at Apple allow you to include a feature allowing the saving of the document to Pages, as well as Word.

  4. The ability to email documents directly from Scrivener IOS.

Thanks so much for asking for input


For you perhaps …

I’m really glad that there is an iOS version under development. After I bought Scrivener a few months back and realized how great it is, all other editors for composing articles fell short.
I would definitely buy Scrivener for iOS as soon as it came out (and I could afford it).

In order of desire I would like the following in an iOS version:

  1. Sync with OS X (via Dropbox or iCloud would be fine)
  2. URLs w/titles & accesskey (also would like title & accesskey editing in the OS X version)
  3. a Universal Binary that I could load on my iPhone and also on my future iPad (instead of 2 different apps)
  4. Footnotes & Comments Supported
  5. Snapshots (wish!)
  6. Configurable Gestures using Accessibility Gesture Recording in iOS5 (big wish!)



So, I have been thinking about this for awhile since it was announced that an IOS platform was announced. I don’t envy the programmatic challenges ahead and I would like to type out loud regarding my thoughts about this. In short, I have two reactions to the announcement: 1) YAY. I would love an ipad version; 2) how the heck are they going to do this? Short versions of recommendations are in bold.

  1. One of the things that Scrivener made possible for me is that it is a program where I can link all kinds of different files while being able to refer to the files as I write. In some ways the ipad is antithetical to this: you are to stay in one window and do one task, but given the size of the screen (in landscape), I think a split screen is possible where we can see two documents at the same time and write and view.

  2. I downloaded quite a few writing programs for the ipad and the one that was most disappointing to me was “Notebooks for Ipad” by Alfons Schmid. Using it was an exercise in solving a rubiks cube and it was difficult to navigate between the various documents. An IOS version must have a way to organize documents of different types in a fashion that makes sense.

3) I wonder if it wouldn’t be worth your time to use the API of other popular programs and let people write in one program, export to Scrivener and perhaps have the ScrivIOS be the program that is for viewing and organization. There are all kinds of writing programs and programs to annotate pdfs, and web viewers. I don’t think I need that capability duplicated here. I would like a way to view my Scriv files on IOS in total.

  1. Syncing. Good luck with that. There are two programs I use frequently who seem to have done a good job syncing: Iannotate and Goodreader. Perhaps there are ways you can check out what they have done to help with this issue for the IOS app.

Good luck!

I would LOVE the ability to use Scrivener on my iPhone to write while at my ‘real job’. I won’t get an iPad anytime soon, so thinking of a version for the phone only, I’d say the most important thing for me would be the ability to sync from the iOS version to the Windows version. I wouldn’t use the full/three-part screen (because the phone is so small). I’d like to pull up the binder, choose a scene, and edit/write. I’d like to then return home and sync it to my computer to pick up where I left off.

Thanks! I can’t wait!!

I am using IPad for screenwriting with text editor’s iWriter and IAWriter. These editors have very good keyboard with additional chars. It’s improve my productivity very very. I want such keyboard in Ipad version of Scrivener. Thx.

Im not sure why everyone insists on dropbox sync. i think that would be a good feature, but its also a whole extra step as far as im concerned and more room for error.
I think it should just sync directly to The scrivener desktop App.
there’s a "to do"program called “things” that does this and its great.

I think that a Scrivener app for iphone/ipad would be great. I would surely be a fan of it.
Most of my ideas came while I’m away from my working desk (i.e.: when I’m walking, when I’m on a bus/train, and so on).
I think the main feature should be a scrapbook tool syncable with the Scrivener on the mac/pc
The app should be able to “see” the folders of the Script section and of the Research section.
I’m working on mynovel.scriv scrivener project. I have three folders in the Research section: 1) ideas for the beginning; 2) ideas for the development; 3) ideas for the grand finale. When I’m on the train going to working I get an illumination for the grand finale. Then I turn on my scrivener app on the iPhone, the app shows me the folders on my “mynovel” project. I choose the “grand finale” folder and add a new text document with my brand new idea for the finale. Then I get home, start working on the Scrivener on my mac and I manage the new text for my convenience.
Too easy?
Anyway, whatever you will do I’ll surely get the Scrivener app!