Scrivener for iOS - When?

That extra coder is probably worth it… I imagine many people here are planning day-one purchases once it hits the App Store. I know I am.

Still (im)patiently waiting for Scrivener for iOS. I imagine you will break the MAS when it’s finally here.

Good luck with the bug squashing!

Thank you for the update! I’ve also been (im)patiently waiting for the iOS version as I migrated my creative from Pages to Scrivener and I really miss editing and writing on my iPad (which I used Pages on both before :wink: ).

It’s all good - I get it’s not an easy task to move from a powerful platform to a whole new UI and lower CPU level. Keeping those waiting out of the dark on the status is pretty important and I think you’re doing a fine job despite my impatience :slight_smile:

Am I impatient? Guess so, it’s my middle name. Common trait with freelancers. But, good to hear that you are at it.
Good Luck!

My thoughts, precisely! feature complete? I’m now foaming at the mouth! Bug fixing and extra coder? I’m so exciting I can hardly contain myself! :mrgreen: I swear… I just saw my iPad quiver in excitement :wink:


terrible news. one step closer to having another barrier to creativity removed, allowing thousands more talentless hacks to generate thoughtless drivel on the move.

– sent from my iPhone

I’m so excited. I just bought a ipad air 2 before reading this post and now I’m even happier that I bought the ipad air 2 :slight_smile:

Best of luck smashing all those bugs!

Oh the irony.

Thanks for the update. I cry a little every time I’m out sitting at one of my kid’s baseball games and realize I have forgotten my Macbook (with Scrivener) but my iPad (without it) is sitting in my lap. I know external sync exists for a reason, but lately I’ve had nothing but headaches from trying to sync and edit my multi-book Scrivener project via text files to edit them in IAWriter.

I will do the happy dance of joy when the iOS version is released.


I compile to .docx each time I close out of Scrivener. It’s a habit I picked up when the Windows version was in early beta and was losing people’s writing, and that was the best way to ensure nothing got lost. It’s years later and I’m on a mac now, but it has the new benefit of giving me a working document, without sync, to use with my ipad when I’m on the go. I just pull my latest compiled version from Dropbox, open it in Word, click to track changes, and I’m good to go.

How do external beta testers get/install iOS Scrivener if all iOS apps have to be distributed and installed via the App Store?


There are solutions such as Apple’s TestFlight to distribute builds safely and securely to their select testers. You can read about it here:

Thanks for the explanation and the link.

Testflight works flawlessly. I have been beta testing a bunch of apps on both iPhone and iPad, never had a problem

TestFlight is already what we are using for internal testing, so it will just be a matter of broadening the distribution list when we’re ready. :smiley:

Although I’m in new to the forums, I’ve been stalking for the iOS version for a while now. I can’t wait to test in open beta, I’ve done this in the past and I look forward to more of this - if you will take me onboard. :slight_smile:

Hey there, even though I haven’t posted on the forums before either I’m always keeping updated on Scrivener and have been waiting with bated breath for years for iOS sync. I use Scrivener on a daily basis for over 10 concurrent projects, and have experience as a product manager and have done testing before - so I’d be a great guinea pig if you want to get me on the beta.


I may have missed it, but was there any details on how one get’s on the open-beta group?

I assume that they will post something when the time comes, right now I believe the Closed Beta is still ongoing. They might either make a form and anyone will fill it and be chosen or do some sort of lottery to give access, no one knows right now. KB hasn’t announced anything yet.