Scrivener for iOS - When?

Yes, only Dropbox will be supported for syncing, which isn’t to say that Scrivener will require Dropbox to function, it doesn’t rely on it.

Good News!
Looking forward to Beta (crosses-fingers) after all this time.


We’ve all been waiting for iScrivener for a long time…so I can be patient. Now that you’ve announced completing the rewrite for the alpha…is there any ‘loose’ timeline for a beta? :slight_smile:


Just broke the bank on an iPad Pro. This has made my day - soooo looking forward to Scrivener on iOS! Good luck with final stages of testing!

I noticed on this forum that Keith was talking about going to beta next month.

Thanks…I hadn’t seen that!

Add my excitement for the progress on iOS. I have been a Scrivener user for years and have been watching the forum (and Twitter) regularly for the iOS updates. I also have an iPad Pro ready and waiting and am interested in helping with beta testing when the time comes, but at any rate, congratulations. Scrivener is incredible… thank you for all your work.

After catching up on a dozen pages of updates and seeing the good news that daylight may be near, I thought I would venture the following as gratuitous encouragement.
I have been an ankle-deep Scrivener user on Windows, and have tried most of the text editors in the App Store on iPad. I travel a lot, and next week, I will for the first time complete a whole book for publication written entirely on iPad, using Ulysses, which for that particular project worked quite well. So combining that with my only occasional desktop Scrivener use, why do I remain anxious to see Scrivener for iOS, contrary to the more pessimistic blog posts out there?
One lesson learned from inveterate app-trying, is that unless I really commit to an app and its ecosystem, I will not fully use its features. Any of them work for dumping text and basically organizing it. I only see real benefit from the better products if a whole project lives in them. Otherwise, I can’t even remember how to do the less frequent tasks when I switch back to an app from doodling around in some other app. To get real benefits to thought flow, the detailed functions have to be second nature.
And I still do not have a workflow from iPad writing to desktop editing that feels seamless enough for key big projects to live comfortably in.
So my hunch is that when Scrivener for iOS comes out, it may just turn me into a more committed Scrivener for Windows user, because the next book (I hope, if not, then the one after) will be able to live fully in the environment and so I will get used to using ALL of the features and at the same time waste less mind space on negotiating environment-switching. Likely you knew all this, but that’s why I’ll be lining up to buy on release, even though I have alternatives and do not have both feet in the desktop version. So thanks for working on the app, whenever it releases.

Was it confirmed that the sync would work with Windows? I just didn’t want to see you disappointed Manwithears. I thought it was iOS and Mac sync only. I could be wrong though.

Yes it has been confirmed somewhere, perhaps in this thread—although I can’t blame you for not finding one comment in a thread like this—and in fact the sync code already does work on Windows (they are working on some minor alterations to bring it up to spec with the new iOS version at the moment).

Umm… I’m almost afraid to ask this … But the mention of Windows brings up the fact that my son is a windows Scrivener user, and has only a small-memory iPhone 5c. I know that iScriv will work on iPhone, but roughly, how big will iScriv be? I somehow think it must be large, as iOS apps go… though not such a gigabyte gobbler as Microsoft Word.

It will sync with Windows? Even better news! I know you guys get abuse for your timelines, but what I truly appreciate is how you never give in to mob mentality and put out software that isn’t truly ready. Thank you all.

Given the development hell iOS Scrivener has been in, I will for sure drink this bottle. And in any case, drinking a second bottle of champagne when it is finally released, is of course not out of the question! :wink:

OMG I would love to be a part of the beta when it happens Having this on IOS would be the final justification for me to buy an iPad Pro.

I currently use Scriv on both OSX El Cap and Windows 10 - I would be able to really give it a workout on cross-platform syncing (IOS-OSX-WIN10)



Excellent news on Beta being this/next month. The hardships of development could mean that some features initially planned for iOS may have been left out for now. To that end, please correct my below assumptions for iScriv functionality as it is expected to work in Beta/release:

Binder: create/edit/delete/rearrange folders and text files in the manual and research sections.

Notecards: create/edit/delete/rearrange assets in notecard mode, including adding/editing/deleting comments in each the notecard.

Outliner: Similar functionality to notecards?

Scrivenings mode: works as expected in desktop mode?

Text editor. Full RTE text editing experience, including full screen mode?

Metrics tracking: tracking of overall project metrics, such as work count as well as a resettable session tracker (I love these tool for keeping me on my quotas).

Snapshots: I think I remember reading earlier in this massive thread that this was iffy for being in version one. But as one of the biggest safety features for the revisiting process, will this make it to v1?

Compiling: my expectations for compiling is that very few, if any, aspects of that toolset will be in the pocket version. It seems reasonable to me that complex compiling should be sent to the desktop version for execution. Is this a safe assumption?

Access to each file’s meta data: how much of the file meta data will we have access to in the iOS version? I use Aeon Timeline in conjunction with scrivener on the desktop, which allows me to embed timeline info into text/notecards. Will this information be viewable? Editable?

If I think of anything else, will add via a new post. Folks, please feel free to add to the list of questions. You’d think I have more, but like photoshop, I likely only use a fraction of the tools total abilities with very rare exception.

Thanks for your time and again, grants on getting to a very major milestone.

spankybus, as I recall from various posts from Keith, I think there is no scrivenings feature planned on the iOS version 1.X release and no snapshots (less confident I’m right about snapshots though).

We’ll give more news on the iOS version soon, but there will be no scrivenings (not just for v 1.0 - this isn’t planned at all given iOS limitations), no snapshots (again, not planned at all), no session tracking or word count targets (ditto), just a live word/character count, and meta-data will be limited to label/status. The iOS version is not, and never will be, the full OS X/Windows version. It will remain a much simpler, stripped-down application - I do not plan on keeping adding features to it, but to keep it as a sort of “little brother”. iOS is not the place for a full Scrivener, but the version we have I am very proud of - it is pretty much the Scrivener I set out to write many years ago, before I added a lot more stuff to it.

Anyway, I’m supposed to be on holiday right now - I’m writing this from a snowy mountain in Austria - but am returning tomorrow. We’ll provide more details on the beta, and start posting solid details about what the iOS version does, in the next couple of weeks or so. We won’t be able to answer every single question about what it can and cannot do here. Ultimately, it’s Scrivener, but much simpler and more streamlined, fitting beautifully on iOS (I’ve been using it all week on my iPad Pro). You will see what it’s like soon enough… :slight_smile:

Honestly, I’d be happy for the initial release to be able to support writing on the same project on all my devices without the need to keep constantly copy/pasta’ing to and fro.

I currently use OneNote on IOS (and on my work desktop) to capture and add any quick thoughts and ideas, but it would be great to just keep it all in Scrivener.

I’m happy to see what the first release is, and then just have it iterate from there.

I think it’s important to stress that we aren’t planning on “iterating” too much - as with the Mac and Windows versions, the iOS version should be purchased on its own merits at the time of release. As with Scapple, we’ll be keeping our iOS version quite streamlined. We will of course keep it updated and fix all bugs that arise, and will continue to evaluate features, but the initial feature set will be the feature set we see as pretty much definitive for the iOS version - it’s not that we are putting out an initial release that we see as only part complete and are then planning to keep on adding to it until it’s a full version of Scrivener. This is Scrivener for iOS, and it has features that work well on that platform; it’s not and never will be the full desktop version.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves… More news soon, as I say!

I don’t know Keith, sorry to tremor still waters BUT…

iOS I’m sure will get more and more complex as the years pass by, with more features, settings, etc. Shouldn’t Scrivener for iOS adopt a similar get-with-the-program sort of attitude?

The idea of a product being produced and it’s creator saying he’s never going to change it no matter what is a bit a setback…

All that said however, I am quite giddy for Scrivener for iOS.