Exciting times!
Thanks for the update, Keith.
Exciting times!
Thanks for the update, Keith.
This is great news!
I want to make sure I have this right…the iOS version will also sync with the windows version of scrivener?
Yes indeed!
It amazes me how negative some people are to the preferred working environment of others. If you think a compact version of Scrivener isn’t an ideal way to put words down for others, it’s pretty simple not to use it. I doubt I would, but I certainly wouldn’t call others out for using it. At almost forty years old, when I was a kid most people would say the same thing about writing on a computer. My kids will probably prefer to type away on an iDevice to using a computer the same way I prefer a computer to a typewriter.
In other words, stop telling all the kids to stay off your lawn!
Unneeded reply, but one that I think bears some thought. Feel free to ignore me completely. My wife does… most of the time.
Speaking as the local curmudgeon, it’s my lawn. Property rights protect my property. And, if my neighbors are of the same curmudgeonly nature, to enforce their rights for un-crumpled grass. “Private property” is just that … private.
Public property is a different story. Public property is very different than private as it is declared “open to the public” via the lack of enforcement or access controls. Controls such as admittance prices. Admittance prices such as club dues or ticket purchases. Ticket purchases like licenses… Scriv is private property that you are granted right to use via the admittance to the scrivener fan club via your license.
That said, KB is free to tell anyone “off my lawn” (but he’s much nicer about it), or let it be the neighborhood hang out. The latter has serious implications for those already on the lawn though. Evidence: Windows version. Some of us old school mac curmudgeons have really chaffed at the mess windows has made of our previously exclusive little park. Which actually gets us to the real concern some of us have: yet more complications, demands for more changes to core features, and … well less familiarity as these unwanted and unneeded (in our opinion) drive change to the scriv core.
On a separate philosophical note, your position is somewhat self-accusatory. Tolerance works both ways; you can’t force the intolerant to become tolerant. That would be intolerant. I’ve always been amazed at how the only people allowed to be intolerant of other’s opinions are those pushing tolerance.
Not that I’m poo-pooing your general sentiment, but there’s a lot more to this argument than first appears.
And I’m actually on your side.
Just stay off my lawn.
what makes me curious about Scrivener for iOS is how full screen compose mode would really work effectively? Whenever typing, a full third of the screen is blocked because of the on-screen keyboard that pops up on iPads, iPods, and iPhones, etc. In other words, one can’t really see the full screen in the full screen compose mode. Perhaps getting an external keyboard would be one option; but this would be the single defying quality about Scrivener for iOS that might prevent me from purchasing it. I’m hoping something is done as a workaround.
Blue tooth keyboard
An external keyboard is an answer. Another one is that fewer lines mean less distraction. Like, in an old electric typewriter, or in the iAWriter’s focus mode.
Isn’t a MBA (or a rMBP) easier to use and carry around than an iPad with an external keyboard?
Somebody mentioned bluetooth keyboards.
I have a WayTools’ TextBlade on order: https://waytools.com/products/textblade/1/trailer – if this isn’t vapourware (it’s due to ship in early March) it’s probably the answer.
Well, for a start, there’s not a full screen compose mode on the iOS version. You can of course only view your text without the binder or inspector, but the iOS version cannot and does not reproduce all of the desktop version’s features. It has a UI built from the ground up for iOS. But more on that soonish…
Keith, I hope the title bar can be hidden as well. After WriteRoom went out, no iOS text editor has offered this feature, at least not in as smart a way as WriteRoom did. For example, Nebulous Notes has it, but the “binder” and title bar have their own color, different than the text background. And you cannot hide both the title bar and the binder with a single command.
I’m sure iScrivener will be a lot smarter that anything existing now.
What I like more about the iPad, is how versatile it is. It can be a book, a draft manuscript for corrections and annotations, a big screen wifi phone, a portable typewriter for typing onscreen when constrained in airplane economic class seats. And it can become a typewriter with full-size keyboard and display if you like so. And the keyboard can be of a better quality, if you compare it to the MacBook Air 11" nearly flat keyboard.
Something that I like much more in an iPad with an external keyboard, compared to a notebook, is that you are not forced to have the keyboard soldered to the display, both in an uncomfortable position. You can place the keyboard on your legs, the display in an ergonomic position, even in portrait orientation if you like to see an entire typed page at once.
So, I guess the difference is that the MacBook Air can run more powerful applications, but the iPad can do more and in more situations.
Depends on how you define “more.” Because the MBA can run more powerful applications, it can accomplish a wide range of tasks that the iPad simply can’t. Compare, for example, DevonThink To Go for the iPad vs. DevonThink Pro for the MBA. I might be more comfortable with an iPad on the subway, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get as much done as I would sitting in a coffee shop with the MBA.
I have both. I use them in different ways. YMMV.
scrivener without full screen mode?
Ah non non non non! C’est dommage!
Isn’t that the holy grail of the product? Least it is pour moi.
Then again I suppose it’s silly having it in a product that has a third of its screen blocked by an on screen keyboard…but alas thinking of scrivener without full screen…ah non non…makes me want to cry.
It can’t.
Hope that clarifies matters.
Have found using the iPad with a separate keyboard to be a chore, especially when having to touch the screen for editing, formatting, etc. Find a laptop with keyboard and trackpad to be far more efficient. Appreciate the iPad’s benefits, but I think I’ll go for an Air or rMBP and iPhone combination in the future.
Think tablets are being squeezed by the narrowing gap between phablets and laptops.
Now, now, no need to be cheeky Keith.
Full screen Compose mode rocks the freaking house. It’s the number reason I use Scrivener. All other aspects in my view come second.
I hope the experience is at least comparable. we shall have to wait and see.
C’mon… You saying that? Really??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
[size=85]PS: No pun intended. Well, maybe a little [/size]
C’mon… You saying that? Really???
Now, now r6d2, no need to be cheeky…