Scrivener for iOS - When?

See what happens? I find being able to open other applications while writing hinders my productivity! :slight_smile:


Come to Wessex. We won’t put you in a cattle truck. :smiley:

I tend to find that when I travel, I end up needing the grunt of a laptop at some point, so I’d rather just carry an Air (and an iPhone) rather than an Air, (an iPhone), and an iPad.

As Katherine said, YMMV. :smiley:

I think we will all love Scrivener for iOS for the ability to sync. Longing to see it on an iPhone.


I know. But a necessary evil when doing research for a client’s text, or preparing a MMD text for the web.

Keith, I can’t wait to read your opinion after the launch of Apple’s 15" iPhone 7++.


Bah, that would be funny if it weren’t a possibility!

Thanks Charlie.Stoss for the Text Blade info. Mine won’t come in until April.

In another context, KB said that he was looking at Fountain as a way to handle scriptwriting in iOs. Is that the way you have chosen? How is it implemented? I’d be very interested to find out how it works. So if you haven’t got any scriptwriting beta testers, I’d volunteer.

That’s right. Although we hope to add true scriptwriting support post-1.0, version 1.0 of Scrivener for iOS won’t have any obvious scriptwriting support, and it won’t be advertised - it’s something it will only support in conjunction with the desktop versions. The desktop version allows you to tell Scrivener to convert script files to use Fountain syntax for paragraphs when syncing. Scrivener will then flatten any paragraphs that are recognised as script elements and add any necessary Fountain syntax to them when syncing to a mobile device. When syncing from a mobile device, this syntax will be converted back to true script paragraph formatting. When writing on a mobile device, you will still be able to use all of Scrivener for iOS’s rich text features, but you’ll just need to use Fountain syntax for paragraphs.

Sounds useful!

I really hope this initial IOS version also syncs to the PC version of Scrivener.

That’s the plan.


Still looking forward to the iPad version, wireless keyboard or otherwise.

[Edited] I just deleted what I wrote… realize it isn’t fair for me to try to pin you guys down on a timeline.

But I really am excited about the iPad app and can’t wait until it is ready!

After you’re done with Scrivener for iOS Keith there would of course be, naturally, Scrivener for the Apple Watch to consider…

or Scrivener for Microsoft’s Hololens …

Imagine typing out virtual scrivenings in the air…or scrolling through scrivinings like how they do it in Minority Report

We’ll be lucky! The Dropbox code threw a few more spanners in the work, so Tammy had to spend another two weeks fixing bugs in that. So the internal beta won’t be ready for another week or two as she needs to do more tests. There’ll be more than a month of internal testing, too, two months at least, I imagine, before it goes to the wider beta group, as the syncing code could cause all sorts of havoc if it’s not tested thoroughly. So, no dates other than this year…

Ha! :smiley: Or maybe we’ll go retro and do Scrivener for the ZX Spectrum:

Time to go slap around the Dropbox code monkeys! :laughing:

The Dropbox API is painful! We thought it would provide automatic sync on iOS just like Dropbox on Mac and Windows does, but no, it just provides you with a server file list and modification dates, and you have to replicate all the cool syncing stuff Dropbox on desktop does yourself. So we’ve pretty much had to write our own code using the Dropbox API to replicate what you’d expect it to do… Argh.

I don’t think Scrivener for the Apple watch would be all that bad an idea, actually. Perhaps a little far-fetched but not impossible.

I know editing is next to impossible as there’s no keyboard or space to put an on screen keyboard. One can however view the document, scroll through it with the little wheel, and with speech recognition advancing in the way it has (and what I am assuming the Apple watch has incorporated), you could possibly edit a file that way.

I could imagine a potential scenario. You’re on a jog, and a sudden flash of insight comes to you, and the only thing you have on you is an Apple watch you are wearing. If scrivener had a little app designed that would greatly improve things.