Scrivener for Windows... On its way.

Hello all,

You may well have noticed certain changes on the forum… Namely a Windows section. That’s right, we have crossed to the dark side and had someone develop a Windows version. But fear not - all my own time has been dedicated to Scrivener 2.0 for the Mac, and I will continue to be dedicated to the Mac version myself.

I see vic-k has already noticed a new moderator - “LAP”. Well, that’s Lee Powell, our Australian Windows guy. He’ll be by to say hi over the next few days. He has been squirrelling (or is that beavering?) away for the past two years, hard at work on Scrivener for Windows. (We didn’t announce it before now simply because we didn’t want to announce before we had something to show - there’s nothing more frustrating than vapourware.)

The announcement in full, with questions answered, screenshots and a five-minute preview video of the Windows version t’boot:

I hope all those on the good ship Scrivener will welcome the Windows users when they hit these shores (did I just mix a metaphor? I think I did…).

Thanks and all the best,

bout time y got y act tgether Kev. Begining t think ys had a King Canute complex. think ycould buck the tide. Good luck with the endeavour KeithnLee (oops sorry!! KevnLee) Vic P.S. nearly did a naughty thing, Kev! I was gonna open a new topic, 'Is This Where the Scriv For iPad forum will be.' But then I thought, "Jeezz! Even for you vic. Thats bad! Arnen`t I good, Kev? :slight_smile:

The power of the Dark Side →

I just felt a great disturbance in the Force…

Seriously now, congrats! I’d love to install the Windows beta on my Dell laptop.

A teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda works wonders, I believe.

I think that was Luke’s original dialogue line in the first draft of “Star Wars: A New Hope”.

Keith and Co., given:

(Oh damn, BBCode is off again!)

I think this creates a certain problem. It is my impression that a number of the forums currently in the “Scrivener for Mac” section are rather more of general import to Scrivenistas and Scrivenistos and should therefore be in a separate, more general section. Take for example the very important thread on “Dropbox, etc.” That thread should really be as relevant, even though MobileMe isn’t, to Windows users as to Mac users, since, as you say the file structure is the same in the two flavours, the same caveats must apply.
It is likely that many of the issues that have been dealt with in existing threads will be raised by new users of the Windows version. Will they necessarily think to look in the Mac forum, or will it end up with considerable duplication? Will Mac users read the Windows forum on issues that may be equally relevant to them? Will the current forum structure lead to the creation of two communities, rather than one community using either platform?

I merely post this for your consideration. :slight_smile:


I would agree with Mark. I am only aware of issues (tips might be a better term) such as using dropbox because I have followed the app for a while.

Since there will be two versions of the app, some sort of general usage section will probably sprout up. While back there was something on templates (can’t recall where, might have just been a long ago test).

While there will probably be some differences between them, some general “best practices” or whatnot can probably be shared with the new windows users.


Thanks Rayz and others for the kind support. :slight_smile:

Mark and olorinpc - I agree, and I’m sure we will have many other kinks to iron out over the coming months in ensuring that Mac and Windows users find it easy to navigate to the information they need. As far as Dropbox is concerned, the file format will be more transparent to Windows users since there is no such thing as a file package on Windows - thus the new .scriv file is much better structured internally in case Windows users go poking around inside, and we make more checks. But it does mean that we will probably need a slightly different version of the information for Windows users.

For now, of course, we have no Windows users, as the beta is a month away and the release is at least four months away, so we have a bit of time to sort things out. Yesterday was just madness in trying to get the announcement out there to all the right places, and the Windows section of the forum is really just a placeholder at the moment, so that Windows users with questions can at least introduce themselves and ask away. The “Scrivener for Windows” forum will eventually have the same Technical Support, Wish List et al subforums as the Mac forum. (The “Wish List” and “Feedback” forums are odd ones - the Windows and Mac versions are going to be a little different, so we have yet to decide whether to have a single version of those forums or split them out - for now they are in the Mac forum to keep things simple.)

So… Feedback and suggestions on the best way to handle the forum are certainly welcomed, as we want to make it as easy as possible for everyone.

Thanks again!

All the best,

Mr Kevin,
According to Vic-K`s Compendium of Politically Incorrect and Inappropriate Vernacular, allied to received wisdom (universal version), the correct analogy is, " Dingoing and wombating abart!"
Do take care

I am sooo excited about the new Scrivener for Windows. I will be first in line to try out the beta version for the NANOWRIMO event.

Way to go!!!


Very good news indeed.

I still use Scrivener for Mac, but since I’m constantly around Windows machines during most hours of the day, I’m sure I’ll have more time to write having Scrivener for Windows installed on them.

Thanks and looking forward to the beta.


Oooh nooooo! Keith has joined the dark side!

Seriously, that’s very good news because it will get more people using your excellent program. Congratulations.

This is great news. I will not abandon Mac, but I have many colleagues who have seen Scrivener and wanted a similar (or preferably identical) software for their Windows machines when I show them how I use Scrivener. And myself - I would be able to work on a borrowed machine or even a net café in case my own machine fails while travelling (it has happened). Or simplys drag a small, cheap netbook for convenience.

How will licensing be, Keith? Will you accept multiple installations for non-simultaneous use, and still allow a 30 day trial to deliver full functionality? That would be a guarantee for access to our precious Scrivener projects regardless of platform, especially if we use dropbox etc.


Thanks for all the kind support!

Licensing will be the same as for the Mac version - a “household” licence and a fully-functioning 30-day trial. And the file format is compatible with that of Scrivener 2.0 for the Mac (not Scrivener 1.x - 2.0 for the Mac uses an updated file format).

The only thing to note is that, because they are separate development efforts and we don’t charge enough to do things otherwise, you will need to purchase the Mac and Windows versions separately.

Thanks again and all the best,

Thanks for speedy response. Cashing out another 45$ for using Scrivener 2 on a cheap Win netbook is still much less than buying a MacBook Air. Looking forward to this, it’s only a pleaure to know my Windows friends will soon be able “to Scrive”.


Thanks! The Windows version will actually be $40 - because its feature-set will be more like 1.54’s (even though its interface has many of 2.0’s refinements), we’re keeping the Windows version at the 1.x price for a while, until it’s caught up in a year or so.

Yeah, but will it import Pages?


Seriously, congrats. I’m just trying out dragon naturally speaking for the pc side of my mac–will the new Windows Scrivener be able to work with it?

Also–will it run on Windows XP?

Oops. Sorry, I see it WILL run on Windows XP. I’ll search more thoroughly next time.


Sad day ! What other unique software can I tease window users with ? My Mac just became well…normal . One more reason to consider the great crawl back to windows ?