Scrivener not showing cuneiform fonts

Happy new year to all of you!
In my project I need to insert a few cuneiform signs, by the way of a copy paste from a website that “cunefy” the translitterated signs (very handy as cuneiforms signs are syllabic and thus cannot be typed on a keyboard). Following the website notice I installed the CuneiformOB.ttf on OS 14, but for some reason it does not appear in scrivener font menu and when I paste a cuneiform sign it does ?? in a square. This will be the same in NeoOffice text editing, but strangely in the Mail app of Mac the sign will be pasted normal. What can I do to make it appear normal in Scrivener?
Thanks in advance for your enlightements!!

Is the cuneiform font available in Font Book and in TextEdit?

Scrivener for the Mac depends on the Mac OS tools for font handling.

(Incidentally, Japanese hiragana are syllabic, too, but Mac OS supports typing them phonetically on a US keyboard. I don’t know if software to do the same for cuneiform exists, though.)

Someone created a “Sumero-Akkadian” IME (for macOS and Windows), but the project looks a little bit abandoned.

I can see the cuneiform font in the font book.
Actually, by selecting “display all fonts” I can see the cuneiform font in text Edit and Scrivener, but if I select it it does not allow me to write in cuneiform nor to paste a cuneiform sign…

Interresting thank you I’ll dig into that

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