Yesterday the counter worked fine, today it’s not counting at all. The live word count at the bottom of each page works fine, but when I look at the Project Targets, neither the overall word count nor the session target is counting. I hadn’t messed with any settings at all.
Target should be fixed per Project, so you can strife for that number. Word counts should by counting up with every word you type.
Should, but aren’t. It’s a minor inconvenience, but this is my second project in scrivener and I’ve had trouble with both. Works fine for a while, then shit happens.
Targets are fixed. Only when you set a Project Target and a deadline, and opt for Calculate Session Target, the Session Target changes.
Figured this one out. No idea how it happened but the two most recent folders were misaligned. So subtle I didn’t notice. I realigned them and it’s back to normal. I appreciate you putting up with me. hahaha
Glad you figured it out. Your Target never changed from 20.000 words though. Your Word count toward your Target did.