I often navigate between Binder, Search Results and Collections, and find it tedious to click on the tabs at the top of the binder. I was wondering if there are shortcuts to do so.
Thank you !
The easiest way to find shortcuts on a Mac is to use the Cheatsheet app. You hold down the command button and after a few seconds you get a list of all available shortcuts in the window you are currently using.
great ! thanks
There aren’t any shortcuts by default, but you can create them easily enough, using the standard Mac System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts method.
You can get at collections in different ways:
a) Through the menu item View > Show Collections, so create a shortcut for this. (You’ll also need to create one for the “Hide Collections” command, because the menu name changes when collections are being shown. You can give it the same shortcut though, so e.g. cmd-ctl-opt-shift-c toggles collections on and off.)
b) Even if the Collections aren’t visible, you can still navigate through them with Navigate > Collections > Next (or Previous) Collection. Set a shortcut for both of these. (This needs the Binder to be visible, of course.)
You can also assign a shortcut directly to a named collection, but that’s slightly more complicated — I’ve got to go out now, but I’ll try to remember to discuss this later…
HTH (for now…)
superb advice. exactly what I was looking for. Will do it in keyboard maestro instead of sys pref. thanks very much !!
Glad it helped! Actually, KM is how I do it myself… I have three or four palettes with various shortcuts grouped together, one which is for collections:
[attachment=1]Screenshot 2020-09-18 at 15.29.35.png[/attachment]
The palette stays available till it’s dismissed so you can move up and down the collections till you find the one you want. Another is for text styling (different types of bullets, list numbering, case changing, selecting sentences etc) and a couple more for various odds and sods.
Glad it helped! Actually, KM is how I do it myself… I have three or four palettes with various shortcuts grouped together, one which is for collections:
thank you for your post and snapshot
I have a different approach.
- collections: if you define a hotkey for next collection (in my case ⇧⌥ → ), you can zoom through show collections, binder, next collection). I created one for previous collection (in my case ⇧⌥ ← ) which I don’t even use because it is so fast just to go next collection a few times and come full circle.
- the same reasoning applies to lists: I create a list and with the ⌥ ⌘→ zoom through the 0 to 9 styles on your palette to pick my style.
One problem with keyboard maestro is palette overdose, especially now because of the palette conflict bug.
I notice on your style palette “annotate inline” which has a red outline. Do you know if it is possible to create a character style which I could add to my style panel which adds a coloured outline to a font or are coloured outlines limited to inline annotations ?
You might find it interesting to see the way this guy deals with shortcuts and palettes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjn5BmhVF6M&t=243s.
It’s in German (which I don’t speak) but not too difficult to follow, given the quality of the graphics.
You might find it interesting to see the way this guy deals with shortcuts and palettes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjn5BmhVF6M&t=243s.
It’s in German (which I don’t speak) but not too difficult to follow, given the quality of the graphics.
I apologize for the delay. I had not seen your comments. The video is very useful. I took german at school, so no problem. thanks !