Should it be congratulations...

… or commiserations?

Anyhoo, welcome to the new yet somehow familiar moderators of our mischief (and helpers when we make mistakes?) - kewms, Siren and Cosmicjive.


Saints preserve us! Once more the swoosh of plummeting moderator standards, as they head for the bottom of the Abyss !!
One of them, kewems, will reduce the mildly incompetent to a 5 gramme heap of smouldering cinders, if they so much as look sideways at her.

Siren!! If ever there was an oxymoron, that woman as a moderator of anything, is it!! The most immoderate person imaginable. Constantly in a state of substance (whatever is to hand), abuse.

As for Cosmicjive…well, that moniker says it all…nuff said.
The downward spiral has just become steeper and much more slippery.

All we need now is Vic-k on that list of feckless ineffectuals, for Scrivener to qualify for some kind of bizarre award from The Society of Nihilists.
Dispirited Fluff :frowning:

Who moderates the moderators?

Will Smith


Liberals and conservatives. It’s the only thing they can agree on.

Yes, it’s a stretch of the english language. Just groan and move on.


introduction, please

Sure you want to explore that avenue, cousin?

I,m just saying i,ve never met this one. usually we get an introduction. doubley important given that they seem to have only had a few posts.

Probably some code-kiddy who’ll answer every query with “01010010 01010100 01000110 01001101”

But, have it your own way cousin.

Okay, clearly I need to say something before the rest of you discover that I’m a backson come to put holes in your socks…

My name is Jeff, and I have a background in technical support. I’m also a software developer, writer, actor, bad dancer, and occasional zombie. By happy coincidence, these are also the prerequisites for working at L&L.

I am unfamiliar to most of you because until now I have always preferred to lurk in the shadows. As such, Keith put me through a rigorous trial to prove that I was up to the task. Evidently I passed, because he has now brought me on board. I’m not suppose to say exactly what the test involved, but when I close my eyes, I swear I can still feel the charred flesh dropping off my hand. I must not fear.

I began fiddling with Scrivener in early 2009 and immediately became completely enamored with the product. A little too enamored (my fiance has had words with me). When I heard that there might be an opportunity to work with these amazing people, I had to jump at the chance.

Oh, wait. I already got the job. I don’t need to suck up anymore.

It was the money.

-Jeff (Cosmicjive)

Oh…Jeff…Jeff…Jeff. :frowning: You foolish young man. You had a chance to walk away…and you blew it!

True, true, oh so true. Well it’s to late now. A word or three of advice…take it or leave it. Don’t look askance at Katherine (kewems), others did and they ended up…well we’ll say no more.
If Siren asks you to lend her your: booze, body, amphetamines or Acapulco Gold, just say,‘No!’ and walk away.
Good luck Jeff [size=85](you’ll need it).[/size]

(1) Jeff is code for “Alien Robot On The Run”

(2) The test is can you save everyone in Defender after a 12 pack and 3 shots.

(3) “Jeff” admits that he moonlights as a bad dancing zombie that is acting the role of a writer of tech support for software development stuff.

(4) He chews holes in socks (PROOF HE IS AN ALIEN ROBOT ON THE RUN)

(5) He lurked in the shadows to learn the identity of Fluff and Floss and is now preparing the A.A.P.U.B.A.R (Pronounced "Aye Poo Bar) - [Government records show this stands for Alien Anal Probe Used By Alien Robots]

(6) It appears he is going to marry a earthling.

Assumption. He does not state that the fiancé is an earthling only that one exists. For all you know fiancé is a moon rock.

Anyone remember the great amberv scam? Hmm? Do you? DO YOU?!?!!!

Yes, I am still bitter.

I can state without reservation that the lady is out of this world.


Inference – Lady is a living entity not an inanimate object.
Inference – Lady is etherial entity or non-hominoid.
Inference – No know carbon/oxygen based life forms are known in the solar system there for Lady must not be be “life as we know it”

Fact – Jeff needs help. Mental help. As a lurker he knew what he was getting into and yet he asked for the job.

I only have one question. Can you pirate us some free copies of the Scrivener app for iPad?

I have some stuff, if you jailbreak your iPad, that will give you free iPods when you install it. Haven’t tried it yet though.

[size=150]slippery slope[/size]
slippery slope
…[size=85] slippery slope[/size]
…[size=50]slippery slope[/size]

:smiley: Good one!
