Solution to launch Scrivener on Ubuntu newer than 16.04

That`s worked for me.
One of conditions - you must have ubuntu 16.04 installed somewhere or able to get some libs from.

Im update (make clean install) one of my two computers from 16.04 to 18.04 (both are x64 arch)
and Scrivener wont launch after installing on new one.

Very simple turn to solve it problem is to place few libs, needed for launch:
From folder “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu” on ubuntu 16.04 computer (its important. so must be same arch to new system) to folder in new system “/usr/share/scrivener/lib” (where is Scrivener installed). You must be root, offcourse.

The libs (.so) that nesessery to put it on is:

Note that someone of them is just simlinks but they still needed to correct work.

Sorry for my english. Im am from Russia.

Have fun!