Story Tracker

All right, now it’s time to head off to the grocer to buy some Wallaby’s yoghurt.

nom: Yes, that’s a cropped photo of a rock wallaby taken at Cleland Wildlife Park in South Australia, back when I used to live in SA. I thought it’d be a nice Easter egg for my app icon, visible only on the higher resolution image :wink:

Back on topic, I’ve created a page on my site where you can download market databases for import into Story Tracker. Right now I’ve just got a handful of science fiction and fantasy markets included, with more to come (horror markets up next!). This should save at least some of you a bunch of typing :wink: The page is at

I’m currently working on my next app, so if you’re an artist of any stripe, stay tuned :wink:


Cool (although a bit cheeky to then make it a USA stamp). :slight_smile:

On topic question: Could Story Tracker be used for tracking academic journal submissions? I had a quick look at your site (when I should have been writing my thesis) and the question occurred to me…

Consider it an immigrant’s metaphor :wink:

Yes, you can use Story Tracker to track any writing submissions. There’s a free Lite version on the App Store if you’re still curious and want to take it for a test drive.

I suspected as much. Most north Americans have never heard of a wallaby, and certainly wouldn’t think of choosing one over a kangaroo or a koala (or “koala bear” as most of my colleagues insisted on saying).

I’ll try out the Lite version, thanks for the heads-up.

Wallabies are not entirely unknown in the USA. According to a friend, J. Farnsworth Wallaby is a character, an Australian businessman, in the W.C. Fields movie «The Man on the Flying Trapeze» (1935).

Fields had travelled to Australia between 1900 and 1914 as a vaudeville juggler.

From the film’s subtitles:

J. Farnsworth Wallaby.
He’s an Australian sheep man.

Came here about six years ago and
bought $8,000 of the woolen goods

to take back to Australia.

His credit is A-one.

He has two boys.

One is
a champion tennis player,

and the other one is
a manly little fellow.

You played golf with him. You quit
at the eighth hole, I think it was.

It rained.
You had a 94 up to then

and he had an 82.

He had a friend with him.

The Mithintith of Bobandale,
an Indian potentate.

And that night you all went
out to a cabaret, remember?

And you hurt your eye
some way or other.

It got all black around there,
and someone

surreptitiously placed a lady’s
silk stocking in your pocket.

That will be all, Wolfinger.

Thank you.

@jtranter: I love the quote. Very cool.
And I meant no disrespect to my North American friends. I spoke from personal experience, having lived and worked there for a few years. On this side of the Pacific, few Australians could recognise an o’possum - and if mentioned in conversation they’d probably just think “possum” was being said wrong.

The Story Tracker v1.7 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

This update includes Retina graphics and an iPad crash bugfix. Note: This update only supports iOS3.0 and above.

You can find more details about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments or feature requests.


P.S. - Do you dabble in other creative arts, collect artwork, or have friends who are artists? If so, you may be interested in my forthcoming app, Artwork Tracker. Stay tuned via my blog or on the new Artwork Tracker Facebook group.

It has been awhile since the last Story Tracker update, but fear not - I’m busily planning the features for the next release. If you’ve got any must-have features in mind, let me know! You can find out more about Story Tracker, along with contact info, on my website.

Incidentally, Story Tracker is currently featured on iTunes in the What’s Hot section for iPad Productivity apps on the US app store. If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, but you’re not sure whether it’ll work for you, take a look at Story Tracker Lite. It’s free, and contains all the features of the full version, aside from database restore and import, and it’s limited to 5 stories, 5 markets, and 5 submissions.

Wondering why it’s been so long since the last Story Tracker update? I’ve been working on a similar app for artists and collectors: Artwork Tracker. This hit the App Store last Thursday. Again, more about that on the website. I’ve also updated the Artwork Tracker Facebook group with a bunch of screenshots. Like Story Tracker, Artwork Tracker works on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, and there’s also a free Lite version available.

Happy Holidays!


The long-awaited Story Tracker v1.8 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

This update includes bug fixes and a bunch of new features:

  • Added deadline field for markets
  • Added submission states: Query, Partial MS Request, Full MS Request, Agent Accepted, Contest Placed, Contest Won
  • Added Story status icons
  • Added Words statistic
  • Added Approaching Deadline highlighting for markets
  • Added settings screen to configure deadline highlight interval and option to clear highlights for past deadlines
  • Increased notes field maximum size to 10000 characters
  • Increased maximum size of all other text fields to 200 characters
  • Larger notes fields on iPad
  • Larger field size for new genre entry
  • Added numeric entry (#) to the top of the alphabet jump list for stories and markets
  • Added progress bar for database transfers over WiFi

You can find more details about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments or feature requests.


The Story Tracker v1.9 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

This update fixes import/restore of databases created from earlier versions containing only stories or markets.

You can find more details about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments or feature requests.


I’ve just posted a Story Tracker Frequently Asked Questions page to my site. That covers about 90% of the questions I receive about the app. Let me know if you think I’ve missed anything important!


The Story Tracker v2.0 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

This update contains bug fixes, along with the following new features:

  • New user interface
  • Passcode lock function
  • Added settings to sort stories and markets by genre

If you like what you see, please spare a moment to rate or review the app on the App Store!

You can find more details about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments or feature requests.

If you’re an artist or art collector, you might be interested to know I also recently updated my other app, Artwork Tracker. More details at my website.


The Story Tracker v2.1 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

This update contains the following changes:

  • Bug fixes for iOS 5.0
  • Fixed crash when deleting stories or markets in a large list
  • Fixed crash during CSV import when either stories or markets are missing
  • User interface improvements

If you like what you see, please spare a moment to rate or review the app on the App Store!

You can find more details about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments or feature requests.


It has taken much longer than expected, but I’ll soon be commencing Beta testing of Story Tracker for Mac! The app is quite similar to the iOS version and will allow transfer of databases to and from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. It’ll be available exclusively from the Mac App Store.

If you’re interested in Beta testing Story Tracker for Mac, you might want to check out the notification page on my site (hint, hint). I expect to start the Beta test sometime in the next few weeks…

You can find more details about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.


The Story Tracker for Mac Beta test starts this weekend! If you’re interested, sign-up here :wink:


The Story Tracker for Mac web page is now live: Story Tracker for Mac. I’ve added a bunch of screenshots and information about the app, which will be available on the Mac App Store hopefully by the end of the month.


It looks like it’ll be awhile before the Mac version of Story Tracker reaches the Mac App Store (still waiting for review). Meanwhile I’m thinking about offering it direct via my website. I may drop the planned Lite version and create a time-limited trial-version instead. How does that sound? It’ll still be available via the Mac App Store eventually for those who prefer that venue.

Story Tracker for Mac is now available for direct download via my website. The app initially runs in a trial mode, allowing up to 5 stories, 5 markets, and 5 submissions. Multiple database windows and database import are disabled in this mode. Purchasing a license within the app or via the web store removes these limitations. Use the coupon code provided for the limited-time launch sale discount.

If you prefer the Mac App Store version, the app is still awaiting Mac App Store approval. I expect that’ll still take another few weeks. Meanwhile, feel free to download the trial version and put the app through its paces.

The Story Tracker v2.3 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

This update contains the following changes:

  • Note: This update requires iOS 4.3 or higher!
  • New app icon
  • iOS 6 support
  • Support for new high-resolution iPhone 5 and iPod touch displays
  • Updated database transfer alerts to mention the ability to connect with the Mac version of Story Tracker
  • Tweaked user interface to reduce app size by over 50%
  • Fixed a bug where the Done button could disappear when editing fields in certain cases
  • Fixed a bug where Stories or Markets with blank titles could be created
  • Fixed CSV output for the Submission Withdrawn state
  • Fixed potential memory leaks

If you like what you see, please spare a moment to rate or review the app on the App Store!

You can find more details about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments or feature requests.
