Strategies for leaving content for "next version" of a course

Haven’t used Windows in several decades and despite being an MCSE (for which I have repented) was never involved in system management. But I would not trust the MS provided backup utility because as you say there was better products out there. (Always thought of Microsoft CUSPs and pre-installed programs as “proofs of concept” rather than usable tools.)

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Hummmm… I wonder if this is the reason (saving to dropbox) that scrivener has been crashing.

So far, I have been using the tutorial file as I learn more about scrivener. Today I am starting my project on it.

I have a MacBookPro M1

I will try working local to see if that makes any difference.

Thank you!

Take note that you are (probably) not saving “to Dropbox”. You are saving to a folder which Dropbox syncs. That Dropbox folder you are saving to is “local” already. That should not be a problem unless of course you have not told Dropbox to keep that folder “offline”. Then Dropbox might be interfering and whisking away your files to “online” while you are working on the project and that may well break Scrivener. I don’t know.

All my Scrivener projects are in ~/Dropbox/Apps/Scrivener and are synced, but set offline. I do this as this is the only documented/supported way to sync the project files to the Scrivener app on my iPad, iPhone, and other macs.

If you do not use the iPhone/iPad version of Scrivener or have other macs that you have to sync with, there is no reason to put the project files into a Dropbox sync folder, IMHO.

The reason I was thinking of using dropbox even if on a single machine, was because of any possible machine crash, or stolen machine. This way, the file would be safe online. Not as a means of a backup, though.

I will try using the file sett to “off-line”, because, now that you mention it, I wonder if this is the reason that scrivener has been crashing as I mentioned to @rms

So far, I have been using the tutorial file as I learn more about scrivener. Today I am starting my project on it.

I have a MacBookPro M1

Thank you!!

I think using TimeMachine to backup is a good idea. I think putting your TimeMachine backups to Synology NAS will work, as will it work if you put the backups to a locally connected USB external drive. I do both of of these.

Backing up Synology NAS to Backblaze will work, but I wonder why you do that instead of running Backblaze on your mac? And backing of TimeMachine backups (I think) are not recoverable like you may think. I have never tried, but I don’t think the TimeMachine likes the files moving around.

Thanks for these clarifications, which are making perfect sense to me.

Based on what you are saying, only if i want to use scrivener on my imac saving to dropbox would make sense, and then, of course, set to offline mode.

I am happy I brought this up.

Thank you.

Makes sense. I will setup backblaze on my machine then. Seems to be a cleaner setup.

Thank you!!!

Not a good idea.

That is what back-ups are for. A good backup regime. As automatic and regular as possible. See above.

And direct your TimeMachine backups to Synology NAS works. Synology provides instructions for how to do that on their web site.

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Great. Thanks so much!

Yes. I set it up already.

Thanks again!