In fact, the reason you went down this rabbit hole at all is on account of a bug, it sounds like! While everything that has been said above in this thread, about how styles are like Preserve Formatting was in the previous version (except more powerful) is true, the lettercase of words should not be considered a matter for styles or of formatting. Would we not the say the same for example of the Title Options tab to the left, where you can uppercase a part of the title, whilst being able to apply a style to the line as well in the Formatting tab?
So this should be working as you expect, with or without a styled initial paragraph.
I’d be curious to see how to reproduce it though. In a very basic test I ran, it seemed to be working on style paragraphs.
Hmm. Okay, I screenshotted my compile process with and without style applied. Maybe you can figure out the riddle to my rabbit hole.
Steps 1-3 are without style, steps 4-7 with styles applied. Both are set to “use custom formatting”. The only difference is the style applied in the editor.
Okay, I had to run a few different tests to see what was happening. I was testing with simple paragraph styling, but it looks like you need to be using a style that enforces paragraph formatting and character formatting.
So just to confirm, much of the above discussion is valid. There is often no reason to be using body text styling in Scrivener, and most of the reasons where you would want that should be done in the compiler, where body styles are added to the text as a formatting override. So while this is a bug that needs to be fixed, it’s not a huge one in that the main area it would cause conflict is when there is some kind of unusual (in terms of formatting) paragraph that exists at the top of the section—but then of course in that case it would be very unusual to capitalise the beginning of it (I’m thinking stuff like epigraphs here). So it’s a bit of an edge case, given the intended design of the software.
Thanks. Knowing it’s a bug helps. And it’s not a bug that will currently impact my work, now that I know it’s there.
Yep, I understand that. All the discussion not regarding my initial question is fine. It really helped me wrap my head around the layers of styles in S3. Much appreciation to those of you who contributed.