Can use back up to function with no issues, but cannot get the Back up now option to be clickable. This option will not highlight in windows 11 and thus cannot backup now and there is no keyboard shortcut.
This stopped working 2-3 dyas ago.
Have you …
- closed Scrivener completely?
- re-booted?
- permissions to where the backup is configured to be sent are ok?
- is backup location on local disk, or on a local disk folder that is synced, or a folder on a network drive?
- does backup work when you have it set for “on open” and/or “on close” and then check when you open and/or close?
- identified what might have changed on computer 2-3 days ago?
The backup location for my zip backup cloud folder was corrupted and repointing to that location fixed the problem. Thanks.
Goes to show perhaps that making a folder synced to cloud service may not be a good place for reliable backups. Just saying, again.
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Have files backed up offline for the folder and have Idrive for the pc. Had to reload cloud drive and changed address