[Suggestion] Dark Mode

I also put in a vote for this! The ability to change UI colours and sizes would be even better!

I don’t think so.

Yes, definitely has my vote. I have everything dark via customization, but an official (and good looking) dark theme would be very welcome indeed.

Still not finding where KB said this was up for a vote.

Maybe not. But it would help some of us a lot if it were included.

People are just adding their voices if they feel it would help them too.

I wonder why do you feel the need to object every and each user opinion? Isn’t this a forum to discuss ideas?

There are lots of opinions I feel no need to object to, so that’s clearly silly. And “discussing ideas” is great as long as that discussion includes listening to what has previously been said.

I like KB and the rest of the L&L staff to want to come through the forums. That means we should be listening to what they say. They have said many times that this is not a democracy. They have said many times that there are reasons why certain features will not be done.

Using the “I vote for” language is a great way to make people you are trying to talk to think you are not listening to them in return and are under the mistaken impression that simple vote pileups are all it takes to change one’s mind. I really despise Microsoft and Apple and all other large “metrics-driven” companies for teaching users this is acceptable behavior. It’s bullying, pure and simple, unless there is a call to prioritize feature development. There’s a lot of room in the world for democracy. Software development isn’t one of them.

Now, if someone is trying to usefully share use case data the developer may not have considered, in the hopes that there might be some middle ground that will meet the user’s needs (as opposed to stated wants) while allowing the developer to make good choices on time vs. ROI, there are far better ways to do it.

“I get frequent migraines from screen glare and using Night Mode in the OS is a good workaround, except for when I’m working at night. I have a couple of other apps I use that don’t play well with Night Mode, but they don’t use as much screen real estate as Scrivener does. What about having a toggle on the editor to darken the main writing window but treat my text as monochrome so we don’t have to worry about color conversions – something I could use for a while, then switch off as needed? That would reduce the amount of glare to levels that don’t trigger my migraines.”

That, and it really gets annoying to see new people fling themselves +1 onto a thread without reading it (or the 54 other previous threads on the same topic).