January 7, 2009, 12:45pm
I even transfer my files to my PC, although I’ve always taken the precaution of using Dropbox to hold or copy over zipped backups only, not the basic saved Scrivener packages, and of allowing a few minutes after each backing-up for Dropbox to sync before closing down the computer. H
In the past, I’d always been careful to either ZIP or put packages in a disk image prior to transferring to another computer, etc. However, I find that Dropbox seems to do just fine with the raw package. Plus, since it only deals with what’s actually changed, it’s extremely fast–almost instantaneous with anything other than photos, video, etc. So Zipping something prior to placing it in Dropbox seems to detract a bit from the seamlessness of the whole Dropbox idea (if you’re using it for synching and not merely for simple file transfer). I’m guessing it takes a few minutes to synch for you due to the file being Zipped.
I agree with synching backups only, but would be interested in some feedback from Amy or Keith on the need to ZIP.
There’ve been a number of threads that have touched on this subject e.g: [url]Recommendations for external hard drive? - #24 by Jaysen ]. I don’t pretend to have the expertise to understand all the issues, but I can see that Scrivener’s saving routine could be a challenge for Db.
BTW, she’s Amber…