Tagging selected text

I don’t think this a feature - at least haven’t been able to find it - and not sure if it’s been suggested in the past… But I would love the ability to tag text selections.

I’ll write a chapter and then want to break it down into it’s component pieces, either based on theme or plot purpose or whatever. Rather than create 100s of subdocs, it would be wonderful to be able to select a section of text and tag it, and then later filter based on the tags and only get the text that has been tagged as such. A nice way to track themes through the book.

Would be lovely for those tags to show up in the document tags as well, maybe as a different color from doc tags?

Anyway, hope this makes sense.


Here is a little background reading for you: :slight_smile:

Well there you go! Thanks so much!

Here’s a few other threads with related information that might also help…
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