Text Colour, default four top choices, changeable?

Scrivener 3.3.1 on macOS 13.4.1

For the Text Colour button by default the four top choices (hold+click) - that is, those available immediately without having to invoke the (standard Apple) Show Colours popup - are black, red, green, blue, grey.

Is it possible to change just (even only one of) those default five, please?

I make frequent use of orange to highlight anything unfinished that I need to return to… orange is only available via the separate colour palette.

Not terribly important; but it’d be nice to be able to do that, please, if possible :slight_smile:


While you cannot change the preset colour swatches in that popover, you can add your own to it, and even give them names. Refer to §18.5.1, Naming Text Highlights, in the user manual PDF, for details on how to do that using the system-wide colour palette.

Note that while this section dwells on renaming stock colours and highlights, the basic principle of creating custom colour swatches and giving them names applies universally to these popovers. Anything you store in the “swatch tray” at the bottom of the system palette will be appended to the popover. You don’t even have to necessarily put them into the “Scrivener” swatch set itself and rename them.

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Thanks, @AmberV - I can see how to do that now; I knew there’d be something I could do; this is Scrivener!

BTW there’s a small typo in the sentence beginning ‘The format bar…’ in 18.5.

It should have the verb ‘is’ inserted in ‘so it easy to rapidly’; and that is most definitely not a criticism :wink: . Thanks for your help.

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Thanks for spotting that! I’ve got it fixed for the next revision (along with a few other formatting errors in that section). Corrections are always appreciated.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Cleaning up imported text and converting styles