The Secret Of Productive Writing...

The makers of no doubt would say they’ve provided the answer you need…though the Mac version won’t be available until fall.

They’ve never seen my handwriting. My husband claims it’s as hard to crack as strong encryption.


I must be missing something. The Pulse computer/pen includes an infrared camera, LED display, dual microphones, playback speaker, ink cartridge, USB port, and a hundred sheets of microdot encrusted paper. (There may also be a built-in pipe wrench, but I’m not sure.)

With this package of goodies, the manufacturer says, you can record audio while you write (or while installing a new water heater, if that really was a wrench).

Okay, if you’re a student taking notes in a class, or a reporter covering a council meeting. (Or a plumber.) But what good does it do if you’re (cough, cough) a writer? I sometimes talk to myself, but haven’t yet declined to the level of speaking aloud every word as I write it.


…it is kinky though, isn`t it :smiling_imp:

You mean installing a water heater, or talking to yourself?


I meant the pen!! y` loop :laughing:

Ive done a few boiler in my time (thats boilers not Broilers) nothing kinky about them. As for talking to oneself, I suppose it does have potential :open_mouth: :confused:


I think you missed the part where the pen uses the camera in the tip to record the notes/words you write or pictures/sketches you draw, which you can then upload to your computer as files.:slight_smile: Except I think you would still need a program that can translate handwriting into a computer font and save as a text file. But I haven’t bothered looking through all the tech specs.

[size=150]JRP & PJS[/size]

[size=150]‘The Brotherhood of Consonants’[/size]


The original issue was illegible handwriting. If it can’t be read on the paper, what’s the point of transferring it to a computer screen? It’s still illegible.

My own work-around has been to learn fairly rapid lower-case printing. Almost as fast as the cursive, and far more legible – even for other people.


Well, I think the original issue of the post was productive writing and being able to track your writing time. Which then evolve into a subplot regarding handwriting, etc., etc., but I agree with your point. If handwriting is illegible on paper, it will be illegible when transferred to computer. Like you, I’ve developed a printed letter style of writing to make sure mine is readable, though I often consider trying to relearn reputable cursive.

Rule No. 1: Do not write in threads concerning productive writing, write your next scene instead… :wink:

Too funny :smiley: coming from the person who started the thread.

That’s called realization… :laughing:

Next step is to turn realization into action. :blush: :blush: :blush: