The status of the next update and 2.0

WIll pay any price to get my hands on the update. Well, at least $20.

With best wishes for a bright New Year!


You can count me in to pay the $20 for the upgrade. You have a great product and it’s completely worth it!

No quibbles from me, either. Sounds like a sensible move. And good luck with your full-time venture… this must be a very exciting time for you and your family.

But, please, take more time off. If Scrivener isn’t your hobby any more, but your work, then you need to think of the long term and make space for some leisure time, so that your health, sanity, personal relationships and enthusiasm for your work don’t suffer. However necessary/temporary/exciting/rewarding it may seem now, working 12+ hours a day, 7 days a week is not good for you, for your loved ones, or for the long-term future of your company and product. I know that sounds like boring and irrelevant advice, but I’m sure that several of us could tell you stories founded in bitter experience which start from a similar position of sustained joyous and optimistic workaholism and end, one way or another, rather differently. :slight_smile:

Happy New Year!

I’ll be happy to pay an upgrade fee for version 2.0, because I’m absolutely sure the new version will be fully worth it.

But, Keith, in my opinion it would have been wiser, at this early stage in these economically speaking very turbulent times, not to mention any precise (maximum) upgrade fee, and especially not to mention any (maximum) upgrade fee in dollars. It’s not difficult to foresee that $ 20 within six or nine months time will be a much more modest sum than it is now …

Keith lives in the UK where we now have a third world currency. Getting paid in dollars, or even euros, is wonderful news, believe me - a dollar is worth more than 25 per cent more today than it was at the beginning of 2008!

Absolutely the right decision Keith - Scrivener is an incredible bargain.

I can only echo the comments above. I too will buy the upgrade (and the ones after that, I hope…). Scrivener cost me the price of a MacBook when I moved from Windows to use it. On that scale, or indeed most others in the IT business, the application is as bodsham says an incredible bargain.


Socialist? If you were a true socialist, Keith, you’d not be working 12/7. You’d be sitting shouting at your chauffeur in a stalled ZIL limousine in a snowdrift somewhere outside Archangel while 3,226 people pretended to work on an upgrade which you’d release, bug-ridden and non-functioning, in 2017, for which you would pretend to charge us $12,500 which we in our turn would pretend to pay.

Yrs. fraternally

A Marxist

P.S. Of course you must charge an upgrade fee. If any developer deserves the money, it’s you. And as the new year goes on, that $20 is going to look pretty fine as it settles at £1 = $0.75.

Id pay ten quid, just t get my hands on a guide to scrivs tutorial. As poorly sick as I am, right now, with the Flu, Im gonna dig out my old welding boots, and head off into the the subzero temperatures of the Village Park, armed with a begging bowl and a placard, bearing the legend,‘SCRIVENER TO SUPPORT!’ and Clog Dance … re=related till I make the fee…or drop!
Take care

I second Druid’s comment. 20 bucks is peanuts. You spend that just going out the door. Even students.
Sign me up for the upgrade.


As a student, albeit a very mature one, okay, a very old one :slight_smile: I will say that I have no problem at all with paying $20 for the forthcoming 1.5 now to be called 2.0.

Keith, you great, lovable, socialist twit, genius and all round rock of good sense.

What I am about to say is deadly serious. To avoid the awful monetary grubbing cost to the user (he laughs out loud!) have you thought of charging the price that you suggest - it is very fair, and also putting a small Paypal donation button for those of us who would be happy to sling a fiver or a tenner in the Keith Blount support fund now and then - especially when we have sold something that was done because of the brilliance of Scrivener when we would like to shout you an amber libation?

So there!

Happy and preposterous New Year.

Hi Keith.

$20 for the upgrade? Where’s the problem? Even if vs2.0 offered only half the features you revealed, that would be a big bargain.

So: Go ahead, finalize vs1.2 and start/continue with vs2.0. And be sure you have our support.


I too would have no problem in paying $20 for the upgrade - in fact I agree with others, the price is too modest for what you get.

A happy New Year to all.

I figure Scrivener earns me about $20 in increased productivity every working hour or so. A paid 2.0 upgrade, with a freebie 1.12 bugswat, makes sense for you–if only for the refreshed review cycle–and for all of us whose workday Scrivener has smoothed, it feels pretty much like a duty.

No flak from the Rhineland either. Your decision sounds plausible and your software is great. Hope you appreciate the feedback from the folks here – and hear the general concern that what you do for Scriv and its community may not stop you from being healthy and sane! Count me in for the payable 2.0 upgrade. Sustainable coding in 2009 and onward, a happy new user.

Now you told me about this update, I’m very interested to see it! Keith, do you have a release date?


The development from 1.0 to 1.12 beta would have been worth 20 bucks already. Looking forward to a proper 2.0!

So many people are charging lots of money for rather nothing and get away with it (the ring tones business comes to mind), so why on earth should someone who produces something really great should not be properly paid for?

I bought a MacBook to be able to use Scrivener and no matter what you do, I’m not going back to Windows. Go ahead, raise the price, make me install some sort of bio-sensor and be forced to prick my finger and place a drop of my blood on the pad in order to use Scrivener. I’ll do that. You’ve got a great product and I’ve got no problem paying for what sounds like a very impressive upgrade.
The 2 People 1 MacBook situation I find myself in isn’t working out too well. I discovered my wife training the dog to growl at me when I reach for the MacBook and while I’m not very intimidated by 15 pounds of Powder Puff Chinese Crested, I’m taking the hint (she’s now reading Guns & Ammo Magazine) and buying another computer. If a new Mac Mini is introduced at Macworld next week, I’m probably going to get one (after a short wait to see if they are afflicted with Rev. A Mac-disease). The cost of Scrivener will scarcely be noticed.
Scrivener is Best of Breed and you deserve to make plenty of money selling it in order to motivate you to keep improving it.
Best of luck in the new year, Keith.

Your announcement prompted me to (at last) install the beta version. It is BRILLIANT!

As a screenwriter, I have been using Scrivener for a while now to write treatments and outlines. It has made my life a hell of a lot easier and, based on the number of Scrivener-originated storylines that have been commissioned, I’d say it has paid for itself several hundred times over!

Please don’t worry about charging for a product this good. Glad to hear you are doing this full-time now.

I recently posted a recommendation for Scrivener on my blog: … izmos.html

I hope 2009 is a great year for you and Scrivener.