Time For Another

, where Le D pees

, showers and sleeps

“where Le D pees”<- Fluff, that’s technically 4 words, so I’m not the only rule breaker

tch! tch! Can someone explain to this bimbo (you’ll have to use very basic phraseology), that I’m a cat. Cats don’t do rules, especially human rules. I only engage in this type of nonsense, as a way of bestowing my friendship upon the rest of the crew, and that, only out of felinitarian concern for the poor self-image/esteem of the Societal dross (see next post), that Scrivener’s crew is comprised of.
Much obliged

Windmills of Callirrhoe

while calling peeps

were blown over

Fluff, I would appreciate if you could restrain your natural cattiness and not project your own insecurities on others. It’s not my fault your human forgot to give you your flea shot and you’re itching with irritation. And I believe you got your terminology wrong, it’s not “bimbo” it is “himbo” a.k.a “your human”, who may also have forgotten to give you your fishy in a dishy since he’s occupied with his many friends in the closet. So don’t get snippy with me, use your paws and call the animal helpline!

I bow to the superior intellect Mrs P

by solar winds

. Zeus flew down

Well bowing is a start…for that much needed exercise regime.

I would suggest you do at least 1000 repetitions a day, feel free to chant “Oh great Ms Linny of superior intellect”. Mrs P sounds old and fuddy duddy, and we both know you are older than me, and also fuddier and duddier…

But back to your lifestyle changes, because we’ve all seen your latest mug shots in other threads, it aint healthy to plonk in front of your dishy all day waiting for it to be re-filled with fried fishy. So on top of the bowing, I would suggest you ask himbo to feed you steamed fishy with a side serving of veg.

You know I’ve only got your well-being in mind Fluff.

the barmaid’s décolletage

two times two

times two times

a circled square

within a yellow

figurine of Schroëdinger’s

dog and Pavlov’s

Cirque du Sanglier

. Cannibal boy bands

feed upon adulation

, fomenting feral tweens

with whiny holes

, towards supportive relationships