Time For Another

Sin…my little inbred buddy, since when did you need a precedent set by others (what/whosoever it/they may be (or even one of your own)), before doing your own thing. :wink:
You haven’t by any chance got a pigeon for a wife…have y’?

that which we

create for ourselves.

Just popped over here from watching, ‘Horizon’, on BBC iPlayer. The program is about the giant telescopes in the Chilean Atacama Desert, and the search for a massive black hole at the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy. Of course, with the kit they have at their disposal, they found it with hardly any bother at all.
I’m not going to tell them that they need have looked no further than our little three worder and Wock’s post.

Man’s quest for

looser, drunken, women

, baring their coccyges

and coaxing bears

and bearing Cokes

mixed with rum

Miguel’s roommate made

stiffly at gunpoint

. Meanwhile, Miguel was

pondering his predicament

and dickering with

his preponderance.

protubed, predictably, primarily

for frolicky fun

and finger licking

suspicious spousal romances

in the basement

, ‘Sadomasochistic Paraphernalia’ Dept.