
That would be Fn-Return for you :slight_smile:

Ahhhh ssso?

I’ve been wondering that myself. Thanks for the info!

While we’re on the subject: Does anybody know if Tinderbox is ready for Lion? The apps-compatible page (roaringapps.com/apps:table), which has a pretty exhaustive list, does not know.

On 14th July, in the Tbx Forum Mark Bernstein wrote:

“Short answer: yes.

Technically responsible answer: No one can be certain what will and won’t run in an operating system that hasn’t shipped yet. We think all will be well, but a list-minute change might upset the cart. If it does, experience suggests that whatever problems arise will likely be fixed in a few days or weeks…”

Since then, of course, a new version — 5.9.2 — has been launched.

More weirdness: I went back to the Tinderbox forums to find the questions I’d asked, and the whole discussion (headlined “Teeny weeny screeny”) seems to have been deleted. Mind you, maybe this is just because I upgraded my OS to Lion; maybe it did something weird.

I’ve even tried going into the ‘User CP’, where it says “This user has 0 posts”, though elsewhere in the CP it says I have some. Oddness.

I’d been using Tinderbox in DP copies of Lion all along. It plays well. Don’t use badges—last I checked even looking at the badge menu will crash the program. There was also a bad memory leak (gigabytes in minutes) involving pictures on a map, but I think I also had that problem in Snow Leopard. Otherwise it runs well for what I was doing.

Explained at last!

I’ve recently taken the plunge with Tinderbox (using Scrivener offer) and been puzzling over this for ages! I’ve actually got up to speed quite quickly, with excellent help from the TB forum. It has incredible potential for plotting, particularly when using the timeline view of notes. Very powerful once you get your head round the importance of note attributes.

Enter = Fn-Return - still reeling

‘Enter’ is still the same key it’s always been - the big key bottom right of the number part of a full keyboard. A few years back Apple moved desktop Macs to the dinky cut-down keyboards with no number section and removed the Enter key from laptops’ keyboards (where it used to be to the right of the space bar). The Fn+Return shortcut is set in the Mac OS and not a Tinderbox-added one as far as I’m aware.

See a listing of Tinderbox shortcuts.

This is kind of on topic for Tinderbox. I currently own Tinderbox, but for various reasons, I have no choice but to move to a new computer with Windows 7.

Is there any application that might replace Tinderbox on Windows? I’m really glad Scrivener is available for Windows (even if in beta still). Thanks!

Like Tinderbox, there is nothing to my knowledge. There are many programs that address small pieces of what Tinderbox does, but nothing that provides the whole package like that. You can check out Zoot! which is an interesting info manager. It has no visualisation—all list based—but has Tinderbox’s depth of item gathering and can do some enactment too. It also has a neat feature that I wish was commonplace, and that is if you use “Key: Value” statements in your files at all, like typing in:

Subject: This message From: Myself To: You

Then Zoot! will automatically turn these into columns which can be enabled in the listing interface. Like I say, it’s not really like Tinderbox, but it has got the same vibe. A somewhat quirky, deep program being developed over the years by a passionate individual.

I agree with Ioa. Tinderbox is sui generis; in particular there’s no application that I know of that builds its functionality around the note (as opposed to the outline) or caters for emergent structure to the extent that Tinderbox does.

Depending on your requirements, Zoot is certainly a possibility. There’s also of course the sometimes under-rated and overlooked MS OneNote. Others include Personal Brain and Ultra Recall, although both are as focussed on storage as on note relationships. If that’s your focus, there are the wiki-based programmes, of which the most sophisticated may be Connected Text, which as far as I remember also has a “map” of sorts. Many such applications are discussed here.

@ioa and @hugh - Thank you for the suggestions. I will check them out. I think TB will be the hardest application to replace for me. It holds this weird spot in my workflow, but I’m mostly done with Mac OS X for now. Thanks again!

I have been looking for the equivalent of Tinderbox on the PC for some time, but it just does not exist. I would agree with Ioa and Hugh that Zoot is one good choice, especially if its more the “agents” and “actions” you like about Tinderbox, as opposed to the visual map. If the latter, then PersonalBrain is worth a look.

Perhaps Eastgate will really, someday, release the much anticipated PC version of Tinderbox. Well, I can dream, can’t I?

My only regret about moving from Windows to Macs in 2003 was losing Zoot.

Some of you might be interested in this.
I just made a color scheme for Tinderbox.
hotfile.com/dl/127600977/f39fe7a … s.tbc.html

If you open Tinderbox, go to Windows and select Attributes, there’s a Tab to show the default colors. These go from black to yellow.

If you drag the file I created into a Tinderbox document, it will add 23 colors that I found very usable. They’re actually 6 colors with some variations. To use, you can:
Select a note in Map View
Hit Enter
Select the Color from the Drop Down List
Hit OK
In some cases Tinderbox did not change the color for some reason, it only changed the name. If you find that some colors are repeated, just delete them or change one.
Of course, you can also delete any colors you won’t use.

I hope you like them :slight_smile:

I apologize if I am reposting, I can’t seem to get to my original post (if I had one). I have a question about something that is frustrating me in Tinderbox. First, I imagined using Tinderbox as a virtual whiteboard, a place I could throw information at and view in various ways. I imagined organizing it and creating a structure for my work there, for future reference and outlining. Specifically, I am looking to use tinderbox to create timelines for my story, create family trees for my characters, and for hierarchical note management (all of these for my reference). It is my understanding that Tinderbox can do these things and more, but, not being completely up to speed on Tinderbox’s interface, I don’t know if I am doing something wrong or something that is simply impossible. For now, I want to focus on the timeline, and so, here is the main question: Is there a way to create and attribute in TB that accepts custom dates? For example, I have a rather ambitious storyline, which involves a complete pseudo-universe. I want to make a timeline that starts from the birth of this pseudo-universe, all the way to its end.
I create custom attributes called ‘start’ and ‘end’ and there “type” is date. For now, I want to keep things simple, so, I say that that the birth of the universe is at 0 and then all events that follow occur X years after.
What happens though is the Tinderbox then applies a Julian calendar date to 0 (I did set the default value to 0 for start and the default value for end to never). What am I doing wrong?

Choosing a date type for this attribute. If you want just count years, a simple “number” type should work the way you want it.

A software that’s able to digest whatever calendaric system a writer might image (“on the 73th day of the red phase of the rule of King Urgur XVII.”) has yet to be developed … :laughing:

The timeline functionality of Tbx is relatively new. I seem to remember that the issue of customisable calendars has arisen on the Tbx forums – and the developer’s reply was that this was something for the future. But my memory could be faulty. If your intention is any more complicated than provided for by Andreas’ answer, it would be worth carrying out a search on those forums.

I did try a number type for the attribute but something strange happened in response. I did three abritary values: 0, 10,000 and 5,000 in that order, then placed them in timeline view. The order stayed the same, instead of 5,000 being in the middle. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Hugh, I will head over there.



I suggest you post your question on the Tinderbox forum, because you’ll get expert help pretty quickly. If what you want to do is possible, you’ll find out there.


Steve Z.

Update: I see that Hugh already suggested this. Sorry for the redundancy!