Unable to open a specific project

Hi all.

I am in a load of trouble. I have som projects saved ind scrivener 3, and I can open all of them but one. The one I really need to open. If I close down all projects and try to open the project from the saved file position, it starts up the program but opens the latest project, and not the one I choose. It happens only with this project and I can open all other saved projects fine.

Does anyone have any idea why, and maybe an ideas as to what I can try?
Any help will be received gratefully.

Have you tried extracting the most recent zip backup of the project in question and putting the project folder on the desktop for example and then when open scrivener click open and open the troublesome project from the desktop. if that opens, then close the project, delete the project folder in the usual location and replace with the project folder on the desktop.

First of all, save your backups from that project to a safe location, or Scrivener will overwrite them on application close.
How many backups do you retain?

You may have saved your Project over the one you want to open???

How do you open, via Recent or Favorite Project menu items?

I must admit, I haven’t been taking backups of my projects. Didn’t think I needed to.

I usually open via recent project.
The rest of your reply is chinese to me.

Try to open your Project double-clicking the scrvx-file in the root of you Project (scrv)- folder.

Scrivener creates backups automatically. You may have backups. Check the Backup options for the Settings and the location.

Found the backup and it opens.
It’s just a small amout of text not present.
Thank you kindly for helping.

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I recommend you get to the bottom of what corrupted your project. Project in a folder synced with some third party sync service?

Rene, you could try looking at these articles on backing up in Scrivener. Start with this one that discusses the menu options.

Also look at the articles discussing the Backup options as Antoni discussed. you definitely want to have a backup strategy to protect yourself. If you like sign up and I am working on more stuff including a compile series.