Unable to open Scrivener files from my backup

I have a new Macbook Air, but with the new OS 15.1.1 so much has gone wrong. I have many Scrivener projects, but the only one I can find on my laptop is a newly created one.

So: go to the backup harddrive, and the .scrive files I DO find there I’m unable to open, told Scrivener can’t open “Read Only” files, that I need to give Read & Write permission.

SO: I do attempt that, but according to info, I DO have read & write permission.

What can I do?!!!

Rather than repeat everything here, see “5.2.3 Restoring from Backups” in the Scrivener Manual.

I’d recommend moving the project you’re trying to open to your main hard drive. Time Machine drives in particular are organized so that you can’t really open things from them directly, but other backup software does similar things.

If that doesn’t help, read this article: Fixing Permissions for Read-Only Projects / macOS: Troubleshooting / Knowledge Base - Literature and Latte Support

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Thank you so much, rms and kewms. I settled in to follow your suggestions, but in looking for the backup folder (as mentioned in the Scrivener Manual) I opened a new project and found links to my missing projects that way. I think that my earlier searches for Scrivener projects weren’t showing up because I was searching for .scrive, not .scriv. So: a dumb mistake!