Vic-k and a three word story

Pink sprouted fangs-n-claws

and with Mum’n’Maude

screaming and caterwauling

the three pounced

on Bellinda’s shortcomings

. Vic-k, crying with

loyalties torn betwixt

KIWCS and Jamesons

’ Superman onesie , however,

dropping his picket

thicker wicker cricket

bat, saintly Vic-k

climbed into his

:smiling_imp: devil-may-care :smiling_imp: alter ego

while smacking EMUs

with cheezy whats-its

. “Very punny,” said

Maud to Munny ( :blush: oops! sorry, I meant Mummy…tch! I am silly).

the funny bunny

from sunny OZ