Vic-k and a three word story

and day-old burritos


KiWCS haute couturiers

applied their skills

reverentially, devotedly, and

in an oxygen

deficient environment. Vic-k

signed endorsement deals

and touted snake-oil

KiWCS fabric softener

. “Soft KiWCS?” scoffed

Flagelleta shrugged, insousciently

oiling the flaccid

Trouble with 1, 2, 3’s again? :stuck_out_tongue:

I wus precokyoopyd, wonna!!? ‘smatta wi’y’?

aspidistra’s leaves, carefully

expunging the turgid

, yucky, mucky wotnots

with anastigmatic aficionados.

These clear-sighted cognoscenti

, mastering multi-layer-hyphenated adjectives

, describing KiWCS proliferation

with linear expansion