Which Linux distro do you use for Scrivener?

Linux Mint 11.

A bit late to this clearly, but Fedora 16.

I used a package called alien to convert the .deb to an rpm – and then fixed up the templates by grabbing them from the wine version (which is usable for me only as a source for cannibalized parts). It’s working very nicely.

Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome.


Ubuntu 11.10

Fedora 16/Gnome 3.2 Shell

Unpacked the deb file, moved the program folder and start script, added the desktop file to my applications folder. Program runs fine! I’m just trying to figure out how to start tutorial. Looking forward to 1.1.


I have three machines, two distros, and three versions.

Ubuntu 11.10
Linux Mint 10
Linux Mint 12

Ubuntu: xfce
Mint 10: Gnome
Mint 12: Gnome shell

Xubuntu 11.04 (x64)

No problems at all running the 32bit v1.1.0 beta tar version out of the box.

Linux Mint 11. Works great!

Arch Linux 64bit, KDE 4.8.3, Scrivener 1.1.0.beta 32bit.

Xubuntu 12.04 LTS and Xubuntu 12.10 daily build. Xubuntu is the best linux distro imo.

Ubuntu 12.04

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, on an Asus netbook.

Ubuntu-Lucid, with Gnome.

Lubuntu - Precise. Runs like a charm on it!

Arch 64 with fluxbox

Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit (had to install ia32-libs)

Ubuntu Studio 10.4 and 12.4! :smiley:

PC Linux OS (LXDE). Seems to be working pretty well on a quick run through except:
[]The instant crash on using the snapshot feature (I note there is a thread on this);
]Scrivener does not use the default app, e.g. instead of using evince, it tries to open a pdf in the calibre ebook viewer, or instead of opening a web url it opens my html editor;
[*]The instant crash on trying to open the video file in Research (I note the thread regarding gstreamer).

Many thanks for making this software available for linux users. :smiley: