Which Linux distro do you use for Scrivener?

Fedora 19 64 bits with Gnome 3

Manjaro Linux (Arch based) 32bit, installed via AUR. Works really great so far! Since Linux is my primary OS for doing writing stuff, I hope the development of the Linux version continues and catches up with the Mac and Windows version, sometime in the future.

Linux Mint 13 32-bit, MATE. Seems to work flawlessly so far.
For my purpose, writing a tutorial/proof-of-concept for a Raspberry Pi project, it looks like the best tool by far for the task. I think of it as a humungous desktop, with everything I want to put in the final doc. instantly to hand (with a little preparation, naturally). Better than having to have multiple tabs/workplaces open, as I’ve done before.
No hesitstion in parting with my hard-earned unemployment benefit for this, when it’s released finally!

NB I suppose I could use Windows XP, at least until it is end-of-life’d April 2014, but I can’t afford a better machine for awhile, so Windows 7 or 8 are out for me currently. But, other than have Scrivener running in Windows in a virtual machine within Linux, I’m still gonna need Linux at my fingertips always.

Fedora 19,

It seems to work well (although I had to install Wine)

Elementary Luna

I have Fedora 16 86x64, running Openbox. It’s getting long in the tooth. I’ve had problems with the install.
I tried using Scrivener with Wine 1.5.22, but find I can’t make snapshots and saving can cause crashing.
This might be because because my distro is at the end of it’s service life. I went with the Windows
version until I get the hang of it. I’ll learn how to use the software by running on a Windows XP VM.

Still, I’d rather run Linux native. Would a license be transferable should Linux Scrivener suddenly appear on the horizon?

I’m running Fedora 19 64-bit natively.
I had to install all of the 32-bit libraries manually but so far it’s running like a champ. I used rpmfind.net to locate the right packages and using the ldd Scrivener | grep “not found” command got it running.

I recently installed Scrivener 1.6.1. beta on Debian “Wheezy”/amd64/GNOME 3.

The installation went smoothly, but I had problems starting Scrivener. The instructions posted here [url]https://forum.literatureandlatte.com/t/running-scrivener-on-debian-7-wheezy/23769/1] were spot on to help me get Scrivener up and running.

Jim M

I’ve started to use Scrivener today on my Manjaro Linux distribution.

I’ve installed Scrivener through Yaourt command. All works perfect, smoothly.

A huge “Thank You” to Scrivener team for this awesome Linux version.

Running Scrivener Linux beta on Linux Mint Debian Edition, aka LMDE, on an ageing 32-bit laptop. :unamused:

Lubuntu on my netbook

Fedora 18 x64 XFCE

then, with an upgrade, to

Fedora 19 x64 XFCE

native on both.

Now running on openSUSE 13.1 with XFCE. Runs great.

ubuntu 13.10, 64 bits

scrivener is OK, but spellcheck is broken

I had to install an Ubuntu Quantal 32 bits schroot to get all the spellcheck utils. It works fine with it. the 32 bits filesystem can be useful for other programs too.

Fedora with Cinnamon Desktop (or any Redhat derivative)

Running on Kubuntu 13.10, 64-bit AMD64 version.

Getting the dependencies set up to run Scrivener took a little bit of doing, though I’ve managed to make it work.

I was pleased to find that Scrivener was available, even in unoffocial beta, for Linux after discovering Scrivener on my Mac. My Linux distro is Crunchbang 11 “Waldorf” 32 bit (Debian). Scrivener, thus far, is running quite nicely on my Asus 1015PX netbook.

As I mentioned in another short thread, Debian wheezy 64 bit on an ASUS chromebook using Crouton for the OS install. A few minor dependencies fixed and it works like a champ.

Ubuntu 14.04 final beta amd64 on a Thinkpad T430. Some library problems during the installation, but now it seems to be running fine.

Working on Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Cinnamon x64 installed on a Lenovo Twist.
Still waiting for an official Linux release before doing any heavy-lifting though.
– Glen