Who's in for Nano 2015?

Good Luck, Princess
Vic xx x

You in this year, Vic? :smiling_imp:

Nope. :frowning: I would if I could … but I can’t … so I shan’t :frowning:


Yeah! truly. Even more annoying, is the fact that I have so much free time on my hands, I could probably spew out 150K a month, let alone 50K. Trouble is, if your ignition key is burnt out, you can’t rev up and get going.
If you’re taking part, this year, Good luck

OK, I’m in. I never get time to write anything these days, so if I don’t do something radical I will forget how to string words together (even rubbish words, such as I suspect I will write when I start an unpremeditated novel from scratch tomorrow). I’m “Sabre” in the NaNoWriMo forum, if anyone wishes to seek me out and remind me that I’m meant to be taking part and not wandering off and forgetting about it.

Yeah, I hear you. The content farm I wrote for horribly burned me out so badly I couldn’t write music for awhile. (I use writing to keep things flowing, creatively speaking, since I don’t have as much a professional stake in it. I don’t have to care as much. :slight_smile: )

Do we have a L&L group going? :slight_smile:

Hmmm :smiling_imp: That sounds kinky :wink:

:laughing: Good Luck, luv

For me, when a set of very specific circumstances prevail, it’s literally as though their is a short-circuit somewhere twixt my brain and my fingertips. It’s weird.
Take care,
Good luck

I have a permanent short-circuit between my brain and my fingers; it used to be called an “idiopathic tremor”, but the quacks now call it an “essential tremor” … they are not amused when I tell them that as far as I’m concerned it is non-essential, unnecessary, de trop, etc.! :unamused: But I still have to live with it.

But it’s not that that stops me doing NaNoWriMo … simply that I don’t have a novel in me. I could give up the time and try to write 2000+ words of plotless gibberish each day, but see no point in that. So, as the dragons say, “I’m out!”

Mr X

I have long since been forced to admit that I don’t have a novel in me either. But 50,000 words isn’t really a novel, and it’s good mental exercise. Better, at any rate, than not writing anything at all from one end of the year to the next, which is the pattern that I have slipped into.

Hornswaggle to the both of you.

I suppose it’s possible that you’ve not yet had an idea you’re passionate enough about to pass Morrell’s Law, and I might even be prepared to accept (although I’ve seen no evidence to support) the notion that there are still elements of the craft that you’d do well to practice and develop further before working on your magnum opus.

But to declare that you don’t have a novel in you is awfully self-fulfilling, and we’ll have none of that nonsense 'round 'ere.

UK group has 2 hours and 35-ish minutes until they start, correct? Good luck!

Ha! I’m going to bed, in the hope that a plot comes to me in a dream so that I have something to write about in the morning!

Good luck to everyone.

Hmm … well call it Morrell’s Law if you wish, but even the merest scintilla of an idea for the key to a plot I have ever had has immediately seemed merely derivative and has never gone further … the best of them would have taken half a lifetime of research even without the skeleton of a plot.

And even in terms of NiaD, even having been given a starting point and end point, characters, location etc. writing my 1500+ required imagining flesh on those bones, actions, dialogues, relationships … Having read the Red volume and being halfway through the Blue volume of NiaD-V, I find myself not encouraged by the feeling while writing that “I must put some of that in here”, nor the evident rather pedestrian quality of the result.

I guess it’s why I’ve ended up teaching Chinese — English translation … I can get consumed by the intricacies and niceties of the language issues involved without having to be creative in terms of the content, as someone else has provided it.

And Siren, I’m afraid, after the first couple of days of producing plotless verbiage merely to reach a target, I would give up the target. I admire you for being able to do so, just as I am full of admiration for our Pigfender in his ability to come up with plots and frameworks for NiaDs, and his blog (which is the only other writing of his that I’ve read).

The lacks are all on my side.

Mr X

Ha! Well, yes, there is that, but on the other hand, a plot tends to emerge once you (that is, I) get back into the swing of things. It’s just that in my case that plot often tends to be a bit rubbish, and I never think that it would interest anyone else as much as it interested me while I was writing it. The older I get, the more amazed I am that anyone publishes any fiction at all, because there is already so much out there, and so little is added to the net worth by any individual book (with obvious, but rare, exceptions).

For me, NaNoWriMo 2015 started yesterday evening with a title based on a local landmark, in the absence of anything better and faced with the need to enter some sort of title on the NaNoWriMo website. Then, overnight, I thought about things related to that title, and came up with a rather contrived link incorporating a theme that is of personal relevance (in that it is something that makes me feel uneasy, on the rare occasions when it crosses my mind). When I woke up this morning, I realised that last night’s musings were abject tosh, as was the working title, but the theme is actually something that I could write about, and indeed would like to write about. So before I got up today, I came up with a new title that is more specific to that theme, and dropped the local landmark from my thoughts entirely. An opening scenario presented itself, and a general storyline, and I promised myself that I would simply write up that opening scenario today, since it seemed very likely that it would take at least 1667 words to describe it. It’s Sunday, so I’ll probably spend quite a lot of today thrashing out a general structure (although I’m going to see the new James Bond film later, so I won’t have as much time as I would like). By tonight, I hope to know what tomorrow’s chunk is explicitly meant to achieve in terms of story/character development in the wider scheme. And so on, day by day, fleshing out the structure as I go, developing the snowflake alongside adding to the text. That’s the plan, at any rate. I have only finished NaNoWriMo twice before (in addition to several false starts), and I am prone to self-doubt that I know will cripple things at some stage, but at least this should get me writing again after a long time in the desert.

I have just finished today’s chunk, and it has come in at 1796 words. I’m rather excited about what exactly needs to come next in order to move towards one of the two possible endings that seem to be the natural outcome of the theme. So far, so good.

Siren!! I’m bitterly disappointed with you. All this searching for a topic … I thought you of all people would have seen the stunning potential contained in saga of The Naked Pickets Protesting Outside RED LION/ Tesco Store. The Three Word Story, contains all the research material you’re ever likely to need. So!! Go For It Girl!
Good Luck, SABRE :smiling_imp:

:smiley: I fear my powers are not sufficient to tackle a work of such admittedly vast potential. Halldór Laxness or Samuel Beckett, I ain’t. Sadly.

Ahh, such modesty is so disarming and appealing. Oh well … c’est la vie … eh?

Good luck Sabre, and ‘may the force be with you’ :wink: