A New Use Case for Scrivener

Back in the old days, before virii became an omnipresent threat, software, documents and other digital assets could be transferred using self-executing executables. At least, that’s how I remember it In addition to its function as a first draft document generator, Scrivener is also a scrapbook. If I were a detective, I could use Scrivener to generate my reports while functining as a repository for the case file. Think of it as a banker’s box containing all the files relating to the case. If someone in a distant city wanted the case fie, I would easily send them the Scrivener .scriv file zipped. The only other program I can think of which might do this is Obsidian, but I haven’t figured out how to use that program as a global scrapbook like Scrivener. You wouldn’t need track changes if you had all the versions of a document and could display how that document evolved while comparing it to earluer versions.

Just an idea. For cops, lawyers and scrapbookers.

Of course that would work. As would using DEVONthink. Or simply putting all the files in a structured folder/file structure, zipping and sending along.