About links


With every new software (OS X or iOS) I use the following little links checklist, so I tested Scapple on a Mac and share this with you.

- OS X, opens a file or folder (very useful)
- works with “Add link” http://scrivener.tenderapp.com/help/kb/scapple/linking-to-files-on-your-computer OR write the path, select it then right-clic and choose “Make link”

- OSX (and iOS when relevant), launches the Mail app
- nothing as “Add link” adds “htttp://” and “Make link” is not available BUT when pasted from let’s say Evernote and the good link (mailto:) is already there… works

- OSX (and iOS when relevant), opens the linked note in Evernote
- works with “Add link”

- OSX (and iOS when relevant), opens the link in Safari
- yes… works, with “Add link” or right click

- iOS, call the contact
- could’nt test

In any case you can later edit, remove… a linked text with a right click.
As for now I should be glad with email links, and right click / “Make link” in any situation.
Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

I’m not seeing this particular behaviour. When I select a word that I’ve typed in and hit Cmd-L I get a freeform text field, and no matter what I type in there it uses it as the link, even if I type in something invalid. It shouldn’t be adding “http://” at all.



  • I type “google.com
  • Cmd-L : I can see “google.com” in the text field and then just click OK
    It’s ok the link is working, and if I go back and Edit the link I can see “http://google.com


As a workaround I finally manually entered “mailto:abcdef@123.com” as a link for “abcdef@123.com” and it works as expected… opening a new email window when the link is clicked :slight_smile:

A bit longer, though I have to say I’m overall really satisfied with Scapple !

It looks like it does help people out a bit with HTTP since a lot of people don’t think of it as being necessary to the URL. In all other cases it just assumes you know what you’re doing, I don’t see how typing in a valid URL into a URL field is a “workaround” :slight_smile:. That seems a fine assumption to me. The thing is, “abcdef@123.com” is actually a valid syntax for accessing a website. How can we know that isn’t what you meant, just from that string?

Glad to hear you like the program overall, though, thanks!


I could answer that “johnd@yahoo.com” doesn’t look like a website (btw it’s my job to create some…) URL to me.
But my english must be very poor or my explanations very bad, so unfortunately this thread is not actually constructive when I hoped it could be. Too bad but I can’t do more.

It’s not a “site” but a way of authenticating to the site under a particular user name, mainly for administrative purposes. I’ll grant you it is not something the average person needs to use or even know about, but we can’t pretend that it doesn’t exist for the purposes of a detection algorithm.