I was wondering that you must be wiser people than me
I have been looking for publishers whom I maybe in the future would send my work. On many places there are these reaquirements like
Tell me about your self, shortly
Write a summery of the a plot
Your name
Okey, im not too stupid, to figure nurmber one my self, but are there some tips? Do I have to sell my self somehow, because thats not my forte. What publisher wants to know about the writer, in general?And can I put there IF requirements. Like if you like my book I would like to it published on ebook, audio and the fysical book. Or are this things that comes from the who takes the book.
The plot thing is little bit puzzle to me. The plot with the end solution? No end solution? How much to tell?
3 .Don’t worry, I do know my name, but I really do want to publish on pseydonym. There are several reasons for that. Like my own name is so hard, even on my own country, my gender and books genre that I dont want to reader stumble on that when picking the book and so on. So how to tell that to publisher that it isin’t the reason for reject.
Summarize the entire plot, including the ending. The publisher is not reading for enjoyment, they are reading to learn whether your manuscript is a good fit for their market. Depriving them of information that would help that decision is a waste of your time and theirs.
They don’t care if you use a pseudonym. But they need to know who’ll be cashing the check.
I would advise you to finish your work first. Don’t think about finding ‘possible’ publishers. They don’t want to hear from someone who hasn’t completed anything yet, especially if it’s your first project. When it is ready (and after you’ve had a professional editor go over it), then send out query letters to agents.
Found this really helpful. I just finished writing a book in december and finished my first round of editing yesterday. I’m gonna try to get someone more well versed to read over it and see what should be changed.