Accessing the Document Support Pane>

How do I access the Document Support Pane (as discussed in Chapter 5 of the Scrivener for Dummies book?

Hello, welcome to the forum!

As not everyone might have a copy of this book, could you provide a little context into how it is described? I cannot remember anything that would be called that (indeed if you search the forum for document support pane you will find only your own query), but to be fair this book was written many years ago, and references a version of Scrivener that is no longer for sale. So if you’re using the current version 3, then many things aren’t going to be where they are indicated in the book, and some things are going to work in a very different fashion than they used to.

The book shows the Document Support Panes accessible through buttons at the bottom of the Inspector. There are six buttons: Notes, References, Keywords, Custom Meta-Data, Snapshots, and Comments & Footnotes. There is also a Lock Inspector button. Of course, none of this shows up in my Version 3. Am I to assume these features are now located elsewhere?

Ah okay, the Inspector is still a thing, the blue ‘i’ button on the right side of the default toolbar (or the View ▸ Inspector menu command). The tabs are along the top now though, giving room for the Label and Status fields to have priority visibility on all tabs.

But like I say this is all quite different, the inspector description in the book isn’t going to match what it looks like in the new version. I’d have a look at Chapter 13 in the user manual PDF, which goes over it in overview, and then dives into all of the features in each tab.

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Thanks. I think I found most of these features accessed through the Quick Reference button. Thanks again!

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