Given the recent announcement of hackers compromising most of the worlds largest telecommunications providers (allowing the adversarial nation state actors to harvest everyone’s call data and SMS messages), then subsequent western governments U-turning on the use of end-to-end encryption; I have a question.
Are there any plans on the roadmap to allow additional cloud sync options for E2E encryption platforms like ProtonDrive or NextCloud?
If not, are there any options to contribute to build the integration(s)?
I believe Sync uses end-to-end encryption; check it out.
I’ve been using it for years, though thanks to recent updates it throws more conflicts (which are easily resolved). On the other hand, if you’re thinking of sync’ing with iPad, you’re stuck with Dropbox as they are the only ones who provide the necessary API it seems.
Frankly, if there were plans I doubt L&L would express them here. There is a new app in development, also details not published, which may have the features you are looking for.
It’s down to you trusting or not trusting your cloud synching service provider along with the entire infrastructure between you fingers on one keyboard, and fingers on the other keyboard.
And if the bad actors “hack” into the cloud services as they have reportedly done with some telecommunications service providers, once they have your data they can download it and brute force attack the encrypted, data. Sometimes that works and sometimes it does not. And if the target is a person on interest, they probably will work very hard. Not my world anymore.
And it has to be something that actually works with the relatively complex syncing demands of Scrivener.
L&L current “supports” Dropbox for syncing between desktop (macOS and Windows) with iOS devices. Dropbox has numerous articles on their web site about security and their use of encryption.
I don’t have the links, but I know that other methods of synching which do not involve internet cloud services. Search the posts or await someone re-posting a link.
I know that Proton are currently working APIs, and that NextCloud use WebDAV & Mega have the MEGAJS API.
I wanted to see if there were any plans for (or if I could contribute to) integrations with E2EE platforms with a better security & privacy history (SSDLC, Open Source, public security audits, warrant canaries, etc.) before going down the path of Cryptomator & Dropbox.
The challenge with true end-to-end encryption is that it’s fairly difficult to use. In particular, Scrivener’s “package” design makes it difficult to both encrypt the data and selectively synchronize it.
With that said, you can use Apple’s File Sharing tools to transfer files – including Scrivener projects – encrypted with whatever third party software you prefer. You can also use them to transfer projects via a direct wire connection: data that never goes on the internet is inherently immune to internet-based attacks.