All text has disappeared

I’ve bought a new MacBook Air (9/3/2024). I installed a fresh version of Scrivener on it. I created a new project and have been setting it up and entering text, etc. daily for the last (almost) two weeks.

This morning I created a file with three lines of text (a list, but not formatted as a list). For reasons I cannot possibly imagine, that list in that created file replace all of the text in every single file I had created in the last 2 weeks.** I deleted the text in the created file … and now ALL OF MY FILES – in every folder, including, e.g., the Template folder, have NO TEXT at all…they’re completely blank (perhaps I should have suspected this would happen?).

I’ve called up 2 of my backup files – everything is blank. The files I created during the past 2 weeks are all there – but there’s absolutely no text in any of them.

Help? Can I ever trust Scrivener again?

Welcome to the Scrivener forum.

Sounds odd.

Are you using any sync? If so, what service and with what device(s)?

Exactly what is the full folder and file path to your projects and to your backups?

What have you set for the “autosave” time increment?

Exactly (what) steps did you do to “call up the backup files”?

What specific versions of macOS and Scrivener are you using? Downloaded from where?

Do you have Apple’s macOS disk optimisation turned on?

thanks for the response. I finally figured it out. Sorry I never replied!

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What was the issue? That might help others dealing with the same problem.