Annotation tip

I Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

First and foremost, I apologize for my bad English.

I have tried Scriviner a while, wonderful program. I have also tried another program as well is something of a competitors to you called StoryMill. One feature I would really love and that would definitely by far my choice for the benefit of Scriviner is their version of Annotation. In their version comes with a little dialog box where you can post comments for what you want to Annotat. When youre done, you can close the dialog box and it creates a underline for what you wanted to Annotat. To get back at a later time and see what you wrote you just have to click the underline word to bring upp the dialogbox where you wrote your Annotation. And you can of course edit your comments.

This is a wonderful feature that certainly for my part, would definitely be my choice of software for my authorship.

Again, many thanks for the many ways pioneering program of authors




I never apologise for mine :slight_smile:

I just learned how annotation works in Scrivener, so I’ll share that in my response.

It works a little differently from StoryMill. In Scrivener, you go to the Text menu and select Annotation to make an annotation. (Or select some text and apply that.) Then, the text gets marked as an annotation. You can go into “Ghost annotation” mode to make the annotations a little less obtrusive. They aren’t normally printed when you compile the manuscript.

I slightly prefer the StoryMill interaction, but the good thing about the Scrivener interaction is that it is probably more compatible with Word and other word processors.

(Aside: I’m not sure if this is true, but it sure looks like Scrivener was designed and continues to be maintained with cross-compatibility as a major design goal. As a platform-agnostic, I find that a very strong plus to Scrivener.)

See Amber’s post: [url]]