
How about a list of annotations somewhere, so we can access them anytime? I prefer the way we do annotations compared with Jer’s Novel Writer or Story Mill, in with the text, but it would be nice to be able to access them.

You can use the annotations finder to search for annotations (Edit > Find > Find Annotation…). Generating a list would not be easy and would be very slow.

All the best,

You can also generate a static list of all the annotations by using File > Export > Annotations. This provides an option to include the title of the document the note came form. It’s just a text list, you’ll have to search to go to the actual spot in your document, but if you want a quick skimmable list of all your notes, that’s the best way to do it.

Keith, that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you much. Amber, your suggestion is also very helpful. Thank you also.