… because it’s not an issue that’s going away or even changing much, from what I can see.
I’m honestly writing this in sorrow and hope. I’ve been using Scrivener off and on more or less since it came out of beta, on Mac, Windows and iPad, and I love the concept of writing stuff in chunks and moving it around. I also love being able to set up a writing environment on screen that doesn’t need to have anything to do with how it looks as output. The whole ‘compile’ deal, a bit like rendering video, or sending an audio mix to a single file, or outputting visuals in Photoshop to a jpg is a very good idea. And I do all those things often, with all their complexities and sometimes frustrations.
But compiling in Scrivener is still, after all these years, far more incomprehensible and agonising than using any of those.
I’ve spent the last three hours or so combing tutorials trying to work out what section styles are and how they relate to all the other stuff, and why some chunks of text weren’t appearing. I got somewhere roughly near what I wanted by trial and error, but I have no idea why what I’ve done works. Nobody’s doing the basic legwork of explaining, by establishing concepts then putting them together to show how they get users where they want to go. I know there are explanations, but they don’t make sense.
On the other threads like this, support staff appear and say ‘but, what, specifically don’t you understand?’.
It’s not one thing. It’s how the whole process is conceived of and (not) explained.
Firstly, in terms of the UI and the apparently arbitrary process for creating, essentially, a database report. It’s inconsistent and overcomplicated (and that’s coming from someone who used MS Access to do the same thing twenty years ago, and it made more sense).
Secondly, that means the explanations in the various videos and how-tos (and I’ve read/watched a fair number of them, both L&L and non L&L) are confused and contradictory. There’s no real map through the process. There are many, many details that are left unexplained.
Yes, compiling is powerful and therefore complicated, but that’s why writing support materials is a skilled job. It needs to lead people to their solution, not scatter key bits of information randomly and assume users will put the jigsaw of inferences together as though they’re in an escape room. The official manual is encyclopaedic but can’t be used to troubleshoot; it’s just not written that way. It’s all the more baffling because Keith used to be a teacher before he created Scrivener, so you’d think he’d get that there are ways teach people how to do things.
The failure isn’t my end: my work involves translating very complicated clinical science research into documents and other materials that laypeople can understand, amongst other things. That means my reading comprehension is good enough that I get well paid for it. I also teach at graduate level. L&L just isn’t doing a good job of explaining itself when it comes to compiling.
It shouldn’t take three hours to figure out the concepts behind a well designed bit of software, let alone three hours to not be able to figure them out. I’m geeky by nature and more than prepared to spend time fiddling with individual settings, but I’m not at a point where I have the faintest clue what any of it does. I don’t have the information to create hypotheses to use trial and error.
I’ve taught myself to use Premiere, Audition, Photoshop and a bunch of other programmes and Scrivener’s compile function might as well be in sanskrit by comparison. I can figure out most things in Adobe Premiere for example in maybe half an hour. Is compiling really that much more complicated?
I have the early adopter’s affection for Scrivener and I genuinely want it to be good. But ‘compile’ is awful, and L&L seem in denial about how bad it is. Please, please, rethink what you’re doing.