Any hints on coming 3.0 features...

How about we call you Bruce, then?

I’m Bruce, and so’s my wife!

Not for the first time I see people practically moaning about Scrivener being cheap. Tell you what. Had it cost $199, or even $99, I wouldn’t have purchased it at all. I simply wouldn’t be able to afford it. And the same would be fair, I suspect, for most wrimos and other writing enthusiasts out there, who - surprise! - don’t make any money with it.

So please, just stop with this dramatic “We’re robbing L&L!” stuff. Honestly. Please stop. This feels like a slap on the face every time. Go take the developers out to dinner, if you feel like you owe them. Donate to a charity in their name. In other words, do something other than trying to covertly humiliate users who do not make money with Scrivener and do not think that it should cost like an MS Office suite.

Thank you.

I may be one of the people you’re talking about, and if so I apologize. I truly meant no offense. I wasn’t seriously complaining that Scrivener is too cheap! I’m just sort of amazed at it. I’m very glad that it’s so affordable; the only folks I have a problem with are those who are (in anticipation) complaining about having to pay for a major upgrade!

Just noting that L&L itself most definitely does not feel this way. The price is what it is precisely so that most potential users will be able to afford it.


Conversely, some folks need to acknowledge that the upside of this price point (they can afford it because it’s not a major office application suite) comes with a downside (it won’t have all the esoteric features of a major office application suite, or the Scrivener equivalent). There is a special “I’m the paying customer, so you have to do what I say” entitlement (and no, I’m not talking about you just to be clear) that some people have when demanding their pet specific feature even after L&L has transparently explained why that feature would not be a good investment.


But it doesn’t. Not even half of that… And if one is not writing to earn money, to make a profit, one does it because it’s fun, so the cost ends up in the entertainment column. :slight_smile:

Scrivener is a great damn program. It does 99% of what I need and it is not designed, really, to “roundtrip” as some say. Yet, it does so for me. I haven’t (after years) plumbed the depths, and it nonetheless revolutionized my writing and my teaching.

Further, developers deserve money for their efforts. Other programs which do what Scrivener does may indeed be $100 or more. I’d pay more for a whole-number release, certainly.

Thank you. People behaving like all the whole world owes them are really a pain in all the wrong places, cannot argue with that. And it’s not like Scrivener is somehow bad as it is now (apart from the hi-res screen issue on Windows 10, but luckily I didn’t upgrade Windows :slight_smile:). It would be great, however, if we all tried to be more thoughtful of others.

And I am immensely grateful for that. I truly am. Scrivener is a valuable tool. And while I can do without it if pressed (you know it’s the photographer, not the camera, and Scrivener won’t write my novel for me), I prefer to have it.

Yes. Like I already said, there are people who think everyone owes them. They are unpleasant to deal with.

Yes, it doesn’t. Thankfully. So I think that people should stop highlighting this fact. It does sound like a veiled threat: “Behave, or else!” That’s not the right way to treat one’s fellow users.

I’m praying for Revision mode or tracking changes of some sort, having used it on mac and no longer having one its very frustrating to not have such a massive (in my eyes) feature. If it doesn’t happen then I’ll be looking for another program to use.

Have you looked at the Snapshots function?

Unfortunately Snapshots on Windows won’t have a built-in diff function right now, so the ability to actually see what changed is not too easy unless you know where to look.

But both of these tools for tracking the editing process (either actively or retrospectively) will be coming to the 3.0 for Windows, so prayers will be answered. :slight_smile:

As noted everywhere, we really do intend to bring everything up to date. The only exceptions will be things that are macOS platform features that would require years of highly specialised programming to get done, like grammar checking in multiple languages.

Exactly, and because it has been stated over and over that Win and Mac versions will have similar features, asking for this again and again seems… unnecessary.

But Lunk, how can you be so mean as to imply that people should read the forums before posting???

Yes, I know. Maybe it’s a bit presumptuous to assume that people should read what others write?

Well 2nd post on here, and I have to admit to being a bit gobsmacked at the criticism of Scriv and L&L. I’ve had Scriv for a couple of years and think it’s wonderful. So, is it unusable as is? No. So why the complaints over version 3? And hey, if you think a paid upgrade is underhand or something, then get into music production, and make sure you have a very deep wallet. Well done the team at L&L. Scriv’s a dang fine product. :smiley:

Complaints about the price point of Scrivener? Are people kidding?

In my 40 years of being a computer geek (anyone else here program a CDC 7600 in FORTRAN?) Scrivener is the best value in software I’ve ever seen, even the old V1.9.7 version I’m using on Windows is. I’m going to be over the moon for 3.0.

By way of comparison, I picked up Aeon Timeline 2 recently (because it works with Scrivener.)
AT2 cost more, and does way less.

And I’ve spent more on paper and toner to print out the drafts for my alpha readers than I’ve spent on Scrivener.
My keyboard costs twice what Scrivener does, as did my mouse.
The LED bulbs in the ceiling of my Office cost more.
Dinner for two at Outback Steakhouse costs more.
Tanking up the Prius costs more.

Kudos to Lit-and-Lat. It’s just a damn shame the rest of the world isn’t as cool as they are.

I have to admit I have no idea what computer the school let us play with in 1974, but I do remember the teacher saying that he read that you had to ’format’ something and he didn’t understand what it was so he thought we teenagers could probably handle it better without him. We used Basic on that machine. Fortran programming, that I didn’t start with until 1977 or 1978, and then jumped back and forth between Fortran and Pascal for years to come, but quit programming in the late 1990s.

’Another computer geek who is no longer an aspiring teenager…’

I am also surprised by people complaining about the price of Scrivener: seems an absolute bargain to me, especially as you can download a full working trial before you pay. As a Windows user, naturally I wish the two versions were coming out together, but obviously L&L would do that if they could, and they clearly can’t. But if the Windows version looks and feels anything like the iPad version, I think it will be worth the wait since I find the iOS version very clean and functional (apart from the lack of a Scratchpad).

I’m not currently actively using Scrivener, but I think it is a very good program from a wonderful company with an ethical approach to customers and development. Most writers struggle to make a reasonable income from writing, and the majority of aspiring writers don’t have much money either.

I’m mostly Windows and Android, so I’m at the least supported end of the user base, but will automatically upgrade whenever one becomes available. And I do understand their need to prioritise their use of resources and staying sustainable.