I’ve done something I can’t figure out. Apparently, Scrivener is far smarter than this Newbie!
Backstory: I am a ‘Worder’ for years, using MS Word to compile my novel.
I’ve been importing my novel chapters from old Word documents into Scrivener via ‘copy and paste’ texts method since I no longer have access to my paid PERPETUAL LICENSE to M.S. Word/Office that I bought back in 2023 because they locked me out of using it due to my refusal in capitulating to their recent terms of use/disclaimer notice of Sept. 2024. (I did not want them having carte blanche access to my entire Mac computer with recording of keystrokes and audio, and I have suffered more issues with auto-updates that screwed up one of my computers than I care to waste your precious time on.)
Friends, my issue is that I cannot figure out how to get all of my Binder documents–all of the text files to be configured in New Times Roman, size 12 by default. (I think this is the default most Editors prefer in general–and rather than inadvertently screw my entire project up somehow, by changing things around as a Scrivener Newbie, I’d rather simply my project by making this be its default.)
I thought I converted the text correctly through the Documents-Convert-Text to default Formatting Tab and choosing option ‘Convert font only,’ but the fonts and sizes keep shifting back between Palatino and Helvetica!
I don’t know what I did, but I am frustrated. I just want to get to the point where I can use Scrivener’s corkboard function to help me plot out my story using the scenario of index cards as an outline and then start writing my scenes and chapters–not keep ‘farting’ around with setting up fonts that keep playing ‘na-na-boo-boo’ with me!
(Believe me, there is a reason for my choice in username ‘PERPETUAL WRITER!’)
I have struggled with the organization of my epic fantasy novel’s skeleton in ‘Pantser’ mode, but have found that I am not completely a gung-ho full-fledged ‘Outliner’ person either.
I figured it’s time to plot the course of the story through index cards to which cards are truly needed and which one are not, to cut back on my fluent writing and Scrivener is just the program to help me do that!
Please guide me through the steps to set the project’s font New Times Roman, size 12 as its default.
I am assuming that should I wish to enlarge said font for a title or heading, like in Notes, I will still be able to do that? Or will it force the default font at 12 point?
Thanks for your help!