Automatic font change

I primarily use Scrivener in a Windows environment with Abyssinica SIL as my default font. I have set this font in Scrivener’s preferences, but often, after pressing the Return key or pasting text, the font unexpectedly changes to “Sitka Text.” Sitka is not compatible with the font I am using, causing any pasted or newly typed words to become invisible. This issue disrupts my workflow and has become a persistent problem.

Use Paste and Match Style instead (Ctrl+Shift+V), even if your default style is No Style in Scrivener.

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Are there any complications involved that might be causing this, other than simply pressing return on normal paragraphs? For example, do you use a lot of styles, tables, lists, images and etc.

Or is it so predictable that you can do this:

  1. Use the File ▸ New Project... command, select the “Blank” category and use the blank project starter.
  2. Type ‘word’ into the text editor. Is it in Sitka?
  3. Press enter and type ‘word’, and continue until it breaks.

With this simplified test does it ever break? Now try introducing elements you might use on a regular basis to the test, like formatting.

I suspect there is a settings problem though, because there shouldn’t in theory be any conceivable way for Scrivener to conjure Sitka out of thin air like that. Arial, or Segoa, yes I could see that, because these are fallback fonts that can be used if the current font malfunctions or is missing.