Best Not-MS Word with Scrivener

I’m looking for a good Not-MS Word word processor to use with Scrivener (and Obsidian).

I know you can use Scrivener but I do like having a separate, dedicated word processor to use on Windows and Mac.

Any suggestions?

On a Mac, Pages is excellent and has some desktop publishing features. Exports direct to ePub, .docx, .rtf


There is also this discussion: Pros/Cons of LibreOffice and Scrivener as alternative to Word?


I know you said that you…

… but there is this dicsussion about: Use Scrivener for ALL of my writing?

Just thought I’d mention that :wink:


For Mac users, Nisus Writer Pro is excellent, and you’ll find lots of discussion here on the forum about using it with Scriv.

Nisus is okay, but why pay good money when a perfectly serviceable app is provided free with every Mac?

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If you want one for windows and mac then I would suggest LibreOffice. It is free, open source, and at least as good technically as Word (possibly better).


Because NWP has:

  • RTF as its native format like Scrivener, so no need to go through file converters;
  • a very powerful macro language;
  • very powerful search and replace including Oniguruma RegEx (more versatile than the version Apple provides) with the ability to macroise any Search/Replace expressions;
  • the ability to apply a style-sheet to Scrivener-compiled text rather than having to shoehorn compiled text into a predefined template;
  • multi-key shortcut system;
  • close links with Bookends, if you use that as your reference manager (scan and create bibliography without leaving NWP).

I will agree that if you need more page-makeup-like abilities, Pages has the edge, but in my experience it doesn’t respect styles in compiled documents; for instance headings have the font size defined in Scrivener, but are all marked as Body, so one has to go through the whole text resetting them to their heading levels, having set those as needed.

Frankly, if I’m going to have to do that much work, I’ll go straight to Affinity Publisher and be done with it.

But, in respect of the OP’s question, I agree with @Rolando; if you want the same app on both Windows and Mac, then the answer is LibreOffice. I have it but rarely use it, so find it confusing and un-Mac-like, but I’m sure I could get to grips with it if I really have to.



Ah, I missed the part where the OP was looking for macOS and Windows compatibility. Libreoffice is probably best in that scenario.

@RuffPub, the OP asked for Word alternatives. Hence the suggestion of a Word alternative.

Would be good to understand why you’re ruling out MS Word to ensure recommendations don’t have the same issues for your workflow.


Pages is a very good Word alternative, and while not a feature loaded as Nisus does have good DTP functions.

For serious layout Affinity Pub is a good call.

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Like @pigfender, I’d like to know what the issue is with Word, and what you’re looking for out of this software.

For instance, if you want to collaborate with other people you’ll have different requirements than if you’re making final tweaks to something that is destined for print.

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Thanks folks, this is all very helpful.

I actually have Nissus on my Mac and like it. I was hoping for something for Windows as well, hence the question.

Pages has the same issue, but I will check that out too.

The reason for “Not Word”: One, I’m being cheap. Office is getting way too expensive. Also, I’m very, very unhappy with how MSFT is forcing their AI data sucking crap on everyone turned on by default without notice and consent.

I’ll make another look at LibreOffice too.



I feel the same. I’m very happy with Libre. Bonus - Libre also has an entire suite of programs similar to MS office including a spreadsheet, ‘powerpoint’, etc.

Amber (and others) have posted many useful tips on how Libre plays well with Scrivener in different scenarios. Do utilize the forum search for tips!


I have Word, that I purchased during a sale. It’s an atrocious software that I need, to be sure I’m compatible with everybody else.

Then, all my colleagues use either LibreOffice or Google Docs…

(My preferred choice for refining projects exported from Scrivener would be Apple Pages; but while it recognizes paragraph styles from exported DOCXs, it doesn’t recognize character styles – unless this has changed in more modern releases. I use Nisus Writer Pro as the most powerful advanced text editor, when having to do mass reformatting or replacement).


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